1000: Community Relations
1000: Community Relations unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:131100: Communication with the Public
1100: Communication with the Public unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:15The District shall communicate effectively, both internally and externally, inorder to implement theStrategic Plan, operate the schools, and maintain high levels of community support. The communicationsprogram of the shall involve the Board of Education and all school personnel.
Through a transparent and comprehensivetwo-waycommunications process, the district and schools shallunderstand theneeds of the community and the public shall befully and promptly informed of plans, activities, and needs ofthe school system.
1100.1: District Program
1100.1: District Program unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:16The District will inform the staff and the public on matters of districtwide significance, throughDistrict sponsored mediums of communications as wellas through the news media. The Superintendent ordesignee will serve as a resource in the development and implementation of the communications program ofeach school in the District. District publications (including newsletters, newspapers, pamphlets, brochuresand other similar print materials and electronic mediums) shall contain the District logo on the front page orback cover. Promotional materials such as bumper stickers and banners shall contain the District logo. Thenames of members of the Millard Board of Education shall be listed in the District website, annual report,and newsletters
1100.2: Building Level Program
1100.2: Building Level Program unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:17To increase the knowledge of the community about its schools and the schools about its community, eachschool shall plan and execute a transparent and comprehensive, two-way communications program as part of the siteplanning process. While the responsibility for the program lies with the principal, each member of the staffand community members on the school improvement team should be involved in developing and carrying outthe activities of the communicationsprogram. The program shall be evaluated annually.
School publications (including yearbooks, newsletters, newspapers, bulletins, handbooks, pamphlets,homework folders, agendas, brochures, directories and other similar print materials and electronicmediums) shall contain the District logo on the front page or back cover.
Promotional materials such as bumper stickers and banners also shall contain the District logo.
The names of members of the Millard Board of Education shall be listed in school handbooks, yearbooks anddirectories.
1100.3: Communication with Internal Publics
1100.3: Communication with Internal Publics unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:18The Superintendent or designee is responsible for a transparent and comprehensive, two-way communications programinvolving all employees.
District sponsored mediums of communications will be used to increase employees’ understanding of, andsupport for, district policies and programs,and to promote a free exchange of ideas.
Employees shall recognize their roles in the District’s communicationsprogramas sources of information toexternal publics.
Employees who create district or school sponsored publications (including handbooks, yearbooks,newsletters, newspapers, bulletins, pamphlets, homework folders, agendas, brochures, directories andother similar print materials and electronic mediums) shall ensure that the District logo appearson thefront page or back cover.
Promotional materials such as bumper stickers and banners shall contain the District logo.
The names of members of the Millard Board of Education shall be listed in publications as specified in rules1100.1 and 1100.2.
1100.4: Notice of Non-Discrimination
1100.4: Notice of Non-Discrimination unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:19Annual public notification of the Notice of Non-Discrimination shall be made through placement in student handbooks, board policies, newsletters, bulletins, job applications, course offering handbooks, postings, websites, and in other communications required for Title IX, Title VII, and Section 504.
The Notice of Non-Discrimination shall read as follows:
The Millard School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or on any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local laws in admission to or access to or treatment of employment, in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the discrimination and harassment policies: Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, 5606 South 147 Street, Omaha, NE 68137 (402) 715-8200. The Associate Superintendent of Human Resources may delegate this responsibility as needed. Complaints by school personnel or job applicants regarding unlawful discrimination or unlawful harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 4001.2. School personnel or job applicant complaints regarding sexual harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 4001.3. Complaints by students or parents regarding unlawful discrimination or unlawful harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 5010.2. Student or parent complaints regarding sexual harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 5010.3.
1105: News Media
1105: News Media unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:20The Superintendent or designee will maintain a professional working relationship with the news media for the purpose of disseminating accurate information about policies, programs, procedures, achievements, decisions and critical issues of the school district. Information, which may be disclosed to the news media, will be provided only after considering the best interests of the District’s students and staff together with the applicable state and federal laws.
RRS 84-712, 84-712.01, 84-1408
1105.1: Schools, Departments, School-related groups
1105.1: Schools, Departments, School-related groups rdkleeman Wed, 05/15/2019 - 12:37All information shall be released through the Office of the Superintendent except for information about extracurricular clubs, activities and athletics and school-related groups.
All media inquiries and requests should be directed to the District communications office. The District communications department shall be informed when media are on site except when attending public athletic or student events after normal school day hours.
Building staff and District personnel shall not disclose or provide any information regarding the District, its staff, students, programs, policies, events or activities to the news media without the prior approval of the building principal. The building principal, prior to approving any request for the disclosure of information or response to any inquiry about the District, its staff, students, programs, events or activities, shall advise the Superintendent or designee of such request for the disclosure of information or inquiry. Upon approval by the Superintendent or designee, the disclosure of all such information shall be coordinated and released by the Superintendent or designee.
All reasonable efforts shall be taken to prevent unnecessary intrusions on the students and staff to minimize any disruption to the orderly operation of the school building and education process. A representative of the District communications department or the building principal shall supervise all visits from the news media made in the school building during normal school day hours.
School-Related Groups - As a matter of clarity, it is understood that school-related groups such as professional teacher organizations and parent-teacher organizations shall arrange for their own information releases.
1105.2: Coverage of Board Meetings
1105.2: Coverage of Board Meetings holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 12:12Representatives of the news media are invited to attend meetings of the Board.
1. The agenda and explanatory packet materials for each regular Board meeting will be posted on the district web site.
2. News media representatives and other members of the public are allowed to videotape, televise, photograph or broadcast all or any part of regular board meetings. However, such activities must be conducted in a manner that does not disrupt the meetings. Cameras, microphones, and other equipment must not hinder the board in transacting its business.
3. Questions from reporters directed to the Board or to the Board members will not be allowed while the meeting is in progress, except during the time designated for Public Comments. Board members or their representatives will be available after the meeting to respond to questions and clarify actions taken.
84-1408; 84-1409;84-1411
1115: Advertising
1115: Advertising holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:27The facilities, staff and students shall not be involved in advertising or promoting the interests of any political or commercial interest or interests during school hours or during school functions except as approved by the Board of Education or the Office of the Superintendent as hereinafter provided in Rule 1115.1.
The District may permit advertising in recognition of contributions supporting the District and/or student activities. Such advertising or recognition shall be limited to areas and locations approved in accordance with the District Policies, Rules, state statutes and applicable regulations, and applicable city ordinances.
1115.1: Advertising
1115.1: Advertising holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:11The District may use educational materials bearing identification of thepersons, firms, corporations or other business associations responsiblefor producingthe educational materials provided such materials are usedsolely because of abona fide educational value.
Commercial advertising and advertisements for the purpose of this Ruleis defined to be commercial promotion, acknowledgments, recognitionof persons, firms, corporations or other business associations orother commercial organizations for promotion of products or services.
All commercial advertisements must comply with the District’s policies and rules.
The acknowledgments, recognition or advertising shall not interfere withnor disrupt the operation of the schools, use of school facilities, schoolactivities or the educational process.
I. Standards
1. The District does not by this rule create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable content of any and all such commercial advertising or advertisements within the District.
2. The content of any commercial advertising must meet with prior approval from the Superintendent or designee. Any commercial advertising that is associated with, connected to, or requires a “special project” as that term is defined in District Rule 3614.1 must be pre-approved by the Superintendent (or designee).
3. The commercial advertisements shall not contain statements or commercial messages which the District determines, in its sole discretion, is contrary to educational values, is vulgar, obscene, defamatory, discriminatory, religious, political or ideological or which relates to a controversial topic or viewpoint.
4. Commercial advertising or advertisements shall not relate to a product or service, which the District determines, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate or illegal for minors, or violates any provisions of this rule.
5. No commercial message may relate to a product or service that the District determines, in its sole discretion, to be educationally controversial or promotes the indoctrination of ideological, political, religious, or social beliefs.
II. Venues or Locations
A. Commercial advertisements, with the exception of district-owned athletic facilities are not permitted on the interior or exterior of the District’s property including buildings or facilities. District-owned athletic facilities where advertising is permitted include the Buell Stadium, football fields, baseball fields, soccer fields, softball fields, tennis courts, gymnasiums and swimming pools.
B. Commercial advertising may be permitted in district-wide publications or district-sponsored projects.
C. Commercial advertising may be permitted in school related publications, newspapers, yearbooks, newsletters, activity programs and school event programs.
III. Procedures
A. Schools shall advise their Partners for Education of all advertising opportunities and may grant a priority to the Partners for Education for such opportunities. Additional commercial advertising opportunities may be offered to Partners for Education as part of the Partners for Education Programwith the approval of the Superintendent’s designee.
B. The following shall apply to contracts for commercial advertising within or on property produced for the district such as clothing, or on all digital and print publications ofthe district. All advertising contracts shall be on district-approved contract forms and suchcontracts shall identify the District as the contracting party and shall not identify the particularschool or building as the contracting party.
1.B uilding principals without approval of the Superintendent (or designee) may enter into contracts on behalf of the District for commercial advertising for the building or facility under the principal’s authority and responsibility if the contract does not require a payment exceeding $1,000.00, unless the advertisement or contract is associated with, connected to, or requires a “special project” as that term is defined in District Rule 3614.1. All contracts and advertisements that are associated with, connected to, or require a “special project” must signed by the Superintendent (or designee).
2.Subject to the prior approval of the Superintendent (or designee), building principals may enter into contracts on behalf of the District for commercial advertising for the building or facility under the principal’s authority and responsibility if the contract requires payment exceeding $1,000.00 unless the advertisement or contract is associated with, connected to, or requires a “special project” as that term is defined in District Rule 3614.1. All contracts and advertisements that are associated with, connected to, or require a “special project” must signed by the Superintendent (or designee).
3.Any contract providing for any payment exceeding $10,000.00 shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Education.
4.Any contract which may only be economically feasible if for an extended term such as contracts for gymnasium floors or other similar facilities shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Education.
5.When a payment or donation is made in kind, a fair and reasonable value of the donation or payment in kind shall be considered the amount of the payment received.
C. All revenue received from commercial advertising or institutional support for which recognition is granted shall be reported to the Superintendent (or designee) and deposited into the District activities accounts and distributed as directed by the Superintendent (or designee).
1120: Board of Education Meetings
1120: Board of Education Meetings holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:32Meetings of the Board are conducted for the purpose of carrying on thebusiness of the District and, therefore, are not public meetings, butmeetings held in public.
Advanced publicized notice of the time; and place of eachboard meetingshall be published in theofficial newspaper as designated annually by the Board.
The Board will provide an avenue for citizens to express their interest inand concerns for the District and its schools. Citizens who wish to make requests,presentations or proposals to the Board are requested to direct theseto the Superintendent of Schools who willconsider and act uponthem accordingto rules adopted by the Board.
Board minutes shall be open to public inspection during normal business hours.
Neb. Rev. Stat.§§ 84-1408, 84-1411,
84-1412, 84-14131
1125: Communication with the Board of Education
1125: Communication with the Board of Education holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:38Members of the Board, individually or collectively, recognize and welcometheir responsibilities for listening to and seeking comments and suggestionsfrom members of the community.
Board members individually will refer complaints, suggestions, andconstructive criticism about policy and operational matters directlytothe Superintendent for appropriate consideration and action. When acomplaint concerning school personnel is made to a Board memberindividually, the Board member will explain the normal channel for complaintsas written in District Rule 1310.1 or refer the complaint to the Superintendent.
No Board member may speak for, or in the name of, the total Board unlessso directed.
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-526
1215: Citizens' Advisory Committees: For the Staff
1215: Citizens' Advisory Committees: For the Staff holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:42School and District-level advisory committees shall be formed as need tooffer suggestions and advice to the staff in order to assist them in thedecision-making process. The final responsibility for all decisions, however,rests with the Boardand Superintendent.
Neb. Rev. Stat. 79-526
1215.1: Citizens' Advisory Committees: For the Staff
1215.1: Citizens' Advisory Committees: For the Staff holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:48Staff members wishing to establish an advisory committee for a school shall prepare a proposal for such a committee for consideration by the Principal. Staff members wishing to establish an advisory committee for the District shall prepare a proposal for such a committee for consideration by the Superintendent or designee.
Each advisory committee shall be instructed as to:
1. The length of time each member is being asked to serve;
2. The service the staff wishes it to render;
3. The resources that the committee will have available to complete their task;
4. The approximate date for the finalization of the committee's work unless the committee is a standing committee; and
5. Board policies which might influence the assignment, function and product of the committee.
1235: Conduct on District Property
1235: Conduct on District Property holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:52The District will promote in all District schools, facilities, and activities, an environment which is safe, free of disruption, and predicated by mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among District employees, students, parents, and visitors.
The District welcomes and encourages parental participation in their child’s education and school activities. However, parents and other visitors to District schools, facilities, and activities are expected to follow District policies and rules, and interact in a manner that is respectful and not disruptive of instruction, District activities, or other functions. Behavior that is threatening, intimidating, disruptive or resulting in an unsafe educational environment for students, District employees, parents, or other visitors will not be tolerated.
1235.1: Conduct on District Property
1235.1: Conduct on District Property holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 13:54I. Conduct of District Employees, Parents, and Visitors. The District will promote in all District schools, facilities, and activities, an environment which is safe, free of disruption, and predicated by mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among District employees, students, parents, and visitors. District employees will demonstrate professionalism when communicating with the public or other District employees. District employees, parents, and other visitors will avoid disruptive, volatile, hostile, threatening, or aggressive communications or actions.
A. Expected Level of Behavior.
1. District employees will treat parents, members of the public, and other District employees with courtesy and respect.
2. Parents and other visitors to District schools, facilities, and activities will treat students, District employees, other parents, and other visitors with courtesy and respect.
B. Unacceptable/Disruptive Behavior.
1. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, behavior which interferes with or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, a District employee's duties, the functions of a school facility, District activities, or substantially interferes with the educational process.
2. Using loud and/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language, or the display of anger.
3. Threatening to do bodily or physical harm to students, District employees or other visitors on District property whether or not the behavior constitutes or may constitute a criminal violation.
4. Damaging or destroying District property.
5. Any other behavior that disrupts the orderly operation of a school, a school classroom, any District facility or activity, or a District employee’s duties.
6. Refusing to follow District safety instructions or District policies or rules.
7. Defaming District employees.
8. Abusive, threatening, obscene, harassing or repetitive telephone calls, E-mails or voice mail messages.
9. Sexual harassment of District personnel, students, patrons, or vendors is strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment shall include, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
C. Recourse. Any employee, parent or other visitor who believes he/she was subject to unacceptable/disruptive behavior from a District employee, parent, or other visitor should bring such behavior to the attention of the immediate supervisor, building principal, or the AssociateSuperintendent ofHuman Resources.
II. Authority of School Personnel
A. Authority to Direct Persons to Leave District Property and to Limit Communications or Monitor Communications with District Employees.
1. Any individual who exhibits the following behaviors may be directed to leave District property by a principal, principal’s designee or any District level administrator:
a. Disrupts or threatens to disrupt school or District activities or operations;
b. Threatens to or attempts to do or does physical harm to students, District employees, or other visitors;
c. Threatens the health or safety of students, District employees, or other visitors;
d. Intentionally causes damage to a school, District property, or property of other visitors;
e. Uses loud or offensive language;
f. Defames District employees;
g. Who without authorization comes onto District property.
2. If the person refuses to leave the premises as directed, the administrator or other authorized personnel shall call 911 for law enforcement assistance.
3. If a visitor uses obscenities or speaks in a demanding, loud, insulting, and/or a demeaning manner, the District employee to whom the remarks are directed will follow these procedures:
a. Shall calmly and politely warn the speaker to communicate civilly.
b. If such conduct continues, the District employee to whom the remarks are directed may, after giving appropriate notice to the speaker, terminate the meeting, conference, or telephone conversation.
c. If the meeting or conference is on District property, any District employee may request that an administrator or other authorized personnel direct the speaker to promptly leave the premises.
d. If the person refuses to leave the premises as directed, the principal or designee or a District level administrator may call 911 for law enforcement assistance.
e. If the District employee is threatened with personal harm, the District employee may call 911 for law enforcement assistance.
B. Authority to Report or Terminate Phone or E-mail Communication.
1. If any District employee receives an E-mail or voice mail message that is abusive, threatening, obscene, harassing or repetitive, the District employee is not obligated to continue the telephone call or respond to the E-mail or return the telephone call.
2. The District employee should save the message and contact their supervisor. If the message threatens personal harm, the District employee may contact law enforcement.
1240: Service Animals
1240: Service Animals holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:06The District will comply with applicable federal and state statutes, regulations, and rules regarding the use of service animals by disabled parents and visitors. All parents and visitors with a disability who are accompanied by a service animal will be subject to the requirements of applicable federal and state statutes, regulations and rules, and District Rule 1240.1.
Americans with Disabilities Act
28 C.F.R. §§ 35.104 and 35.136
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 20-126 through 129
1240.1: Service Animals
1240.1: Service Animals holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:09I. Definition of a Service Animal.
A. A service animal must be a dog or, in specific circumstances, a miniature horse, that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a parent or visitor with a disability and is required for a parent or visitor with a disability. No other species of animal, whether wild or domestic, will be permitted in District facilities as a service animal.
B. Service animals do not include pets, farm animals, wild or exotic animals, or any animals whose function is to provide crime deterrent effects, emotional support, comfort, companionship, therapeutic benefits, or to promote emotional well-being.
II. Work or Tasks of a Service Animal.
A. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the parent’s or visitor’s disability and required for the parent or visitor with a disability.
B. Examples of work or tasks that a service animal may perform to meet this definition include:
1. Navigation: assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks,
2. Alerting: alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds,
3. Protection: providing non-violent protection or rescue work;
4. Pulling: pulling a wheelchair,
5. Seizure: assisting an individual during a seizure,
6. Allergens: alerting individuals to the presence of allergens,
7. Retrieving: retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone,
8. Physical support: providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities, and
9. Interrupting behaviors: helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors.
C. Work or tasks that are excluded from meeting the definition are:
1. Guard dogs: the crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence, and
2. Companion dogs: the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship.
III. Presence of Service Animals.
A. A parent or visitor with a disability shall be permitted to be accompanied by his/her service animal in all areas where parents or visitors, members of the public, participants in services, program or activities, or invitees, as relevant, are allowed to go.
B. A bona fide trainer of a service animal may also be accompanied by such animal in training.
C. A parent or visitor with a service animal may not be required to pay an extra fee for the service animal to attend events for which a fee is charged.
IV. Removal of a Service Animal.
A. A District administrator may direct a parent or visitor with a disability to remove a service animal from a District facility, a school building, a classroom, or from a school function, if any one of the following circumstances occur:
1. The service animal is out of control and the service animal’s handler does not take effective action to control it,
2. The service animal is not housebroken,
3. The service animal’s presence would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity, or
4. The presence of the service animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
B. To determine whether a direct threat exists, an individualized assessment is to be made to ascertain:
1. The nature, duration, and severity of the risk,
2. The probability that the potential injury will actually occur, and
3. Whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures or the provision of auxiliary aids or services will mitigate the risk.
V. Control of the Service Animal.
1. The service animal must be under the control of its handler. In most cases the service animal must have a harness, leash, or other tether.
2. The service animal does not need to be on a harness, leash, or other tether, however, if the handler is unable because of a disability to use a harness, leash, or other tether. A harness, lease, or other tether is also not required if it would interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of work or tasks.
3. If either of the harness, leash, or other tether exceptions applies, the service animal must be under the handler’s control via voice control, signals, or other effective means.
VI. Responsibility for Care and Supervision.
1. The District is not responsible for the care and supervision of any service animal, and a parent or visitor with a service animal shall be solely responsible therefor.
2. A parent or visitor with a service animal shall maintain the service animal so that it will always be clean, well groomed, and not have an offensive odor.
3. A parent or visitor with the service animal shall be liable for any damage done to the premises or facilities or to any person by the service animal.
VII. Miniature Horses.
A. Requests to permit a miniature horse to accompany a parent or visitor with a disability on District premises shall be considered in accordance with 28 C.F.R. § 35.136(i).
VIII. Inquiries.
A. When addressing a service animal matter, District staff shall not ask about the nature or extent of the parent’s or visitor’s disability.
B. District staff may not ask questions about the service animal’s qualifications as a service animal when it is readily apparent that the animal is trained to do work or perform tasks for a parent or visitor with a disability. Examples include where the service animal is observed guiding a parent or visitor who is blind or has low vision, pulling a parent’s or visitor’s wheelchair, or providing assistance with stability or balance to a parent or visitor with an observable mobility disability.
C. When it is not readily apparent that the animal qualifies as a service animal, District staff may ask:
1. If the animal’s presence is required because of a disability, and
2. What work or task the animal has been individually trained to perform.
3. Staff may not require documentation, such as proof that the service animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal.
Americans with Disabilities Act
28 C.F.R. §§ 35.104 and 35.136
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 20-126 through 129
1306: Political Activity
1306: Political Activity holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:12Materials relating to candidates for public office or holders of public office or issues, which are or may be presented on the ballot at any primary, general, or special election shall not be distributed on District property when school is in session. Informational materials relating to District bond issues, referendums, initiatives, and legislative issues may be discussed and distributed at meetingsheld on school property when school is not in session,subject to District policy.
The District will provide facilities to the Douglas County and Sarpy County election offices for local, state, and national elections and on election days, materials may be distributed at District facilities in accordance with the election laws. All election laws will be observed.
1306.1: Political Activity
1306.1: Political Activity holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:14Literature or other materials relating to candidates for public office or holders of public office or political or ballot issues will not be distributed to students, staff, parents, or any person by any individual or group on District property when school is in session. All District communication systems including the District e-mail system may not be used to distribute political materials. District property includes but is not limited to buildings, stadiums and other athletic facilities, grounds, and parking lots. For purposes of this Rule and Policy, school shall be deemed to be in session beginning one hour before the start of classes through and until 30 minutes after the end of any school sponsored student activities taking place on school property.
Upon prior approval by the Superintendent or designee under District policy, informational material prepared by the District and pertaining to District responsibilities and programs may be distributed through all District communication systems including the District e-mail system, newsletters and other school publications.
School-related organizations that use school facilities shall not use school property when promoting partisan politics or individual candidates for public office or holders of public office.
1310: Complaints: School Personnel / Instructional Materials
1310: Complaints: School Personnel / Instructional Materials holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:17The District welcomes constructive criticism when such criticism is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of education in the District.
Channels of communication as defined in the rules adopted by the Board willbe utilized in the handling of complaints.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-526
1310.1: Complaints: School Personnel
1310.1: Complaints: School Personnel holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:20The following procedures have been established to provide a system for receiving, considering and acting upon complaints regarding school personnel.
A. Reasonable efforts shall be made to address the concerns and issues raised in any complaint regarding school personnel at the earliest stage, and to reach an acceptable resolution through the informal process.
B. In an effort to resolve all concerns and issues at the earliest stage and through informal methods and procedures, any complaint regarding a certificated staff member shall be first referred to the certificated staff member. Complaints regarding any classified staff shall be presented to the supervising certificated staff member, if any, or to the building principal to handle.
C. When a certificated staff member, receives a complaint, he/she will immediately address the concerns and/or issues by initiating an informal conference with the complainant, thereby providing an opportunity for a discussion and informal resolution of the concerns or issues raised in the complaint. Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to limit the involvement of the administration in addressing and resolving any concerns or issues through the informal process.
D. If the complainant’s concerns and/or issues are not resolved by the certificated staff member the complainant shall be referred to the building principal who will initiate an informal conference with the complainant within ten (10) working days, thereby providing an opportunity for a discussion and informal resolution of the complainant’s concerns and issues.
E. If the complainant’s concerns and/or issues are not resolved by the building principal the complainant shall be referred to the building principal’s supervisor who will initiate an informal conference with the complainant within ten (10) working days, thereby providing an opportunity for a discussion and informal resolution of the complainant’s concerns and issues.
F. When a complaint concerning school personnel is made directly to the Board as a whole, the complaint shall be referred to the Superintendent.
G.When a complaint concerning school personnel is made to an individual Board member, the Board member may explain the process for complaints regarding school personnel as provided herein, or refer the complaint to the Superintendent.
A. In the event that the initial informal handling of the complaint or concern is unsuccessful in satisfactorily addressing and resolving the concerns and/or issues of the complainant, the building principal’s supervisor shall advise the complainant that the complainant may pursue the formal complaint procedures by submitting the complaint in writing to the building principal requesting that the matter be processed as a formal complaint. Failure by the complainant to submit the complaint in writing within five (5) working days after the building principal’s initial informal handling shall constitute an abandonment of the complaint.
B. The formal written complaint must be signed, contain a complete statement of the facts constituting the complaint, state the relief sought, and the reason or reasons the informal handling of the complaint was not acceptable.
C. When a building principal receives a written complaint, the building principal will immediately notify the building principal’s supervisor. The building principal will then draft a written response to the complaint and forward the response to the complainant within five (5) working days, and also forward the complaint and his/her written response to the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources.
D. Upon receipt of a written complaint and the building principal’s response, the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources shall investigate the complaint. As part of the investigation, the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources may schedule a formal conference with all or any of the following: the certificated staff member, the classified staff and his/her supervisor, the building principal, the building principal’s supervisor, and the complainant, at which time the complainant’s concerns and/or issues shall be discussed. The Associate Superintendent of Human Resources may undertake any needed investigation relating to the complaint and will thereafter render a written final disposition of the complaint within ten (10) working days of receiving the formal written complaint and the principal’s written response. Such written report shall summarize the facts, the determinations made, and, to the extent permissible, any corrective actions to be implemented.
E. If the complainant desires to have the disposition of the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources reviewed by the Superintendent, then the complainant must submit a written request for review within five (5) working days of receipt of the disposition by the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources. The written request for review shall be submitted to the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources who will forward to the Superintendent the written request for review, which contain a complete statement of the facts constituting the complaint, state the relief sought, and the reason the previous resolution was not acceptable, the building principal’s response, and the Associate Superintendent of Human Resource’s written disposition.
F. Upon receipt of a request for review, the Superintendent will review the written request for review, the complaint, the building principal’s response, and the written disposition of the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources. The Superintendent may undertake any such investigation he/she deems appropriate. Thereafter, the Superintendent shall complete a written decision and provide the complainant a copy of such written decision within ten (10) working days of receiving the request for review of the decision of the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources. Such decision shall summarize the facts, the determinations made, and, to the extent necessary, any corrective actions to be implemented. The decision and disposition by the Superintendent shall be final and binding.
A. Complaints regarding unlawful discrimination or unlawful harassment (excluding sexual harassment) should follow the complaint and reporting procedures of District Rule 4001.2. Complaints and reporting associate with sexual harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 4001.3. Complaints regarding instructional materials shall follow the procedures of District Rule 1310.2. Complaints regarding inappropriate conduct by school personnel or regarding child abuse or neglect as a result of the conduct of school personnel shall follow the procedures of District Rule 4163.3. Complaints by school personnel or job applicants regarding non-discrimination and harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 4001.2. Complaints by personnel or applicants regarding sexual harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 4001.3. Any school personnel who has a grievance not otherwise covered by a grievance procedure included within a collective bargaining agreement or other specific grievance procedure shall use the procedure set forth in District Rule 4325.1. Complaints by students or parents regarding non-discrimination and harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 5010.2. Complaints by students or parents regarding sexual harassment shall follow the procedures of District Rule 5010.3.
B. The District forbids retaliation against anyone who has reasonably, and in good faith, filed a complaint regarding school personnel. However, complaints against school personnel are considered to be very serious and therefore should never be made casually and/or without cause. District Policy, Rules, and Procedures shall not be used to bring malicious or bad faith charges against school employees. A complaint will be considered to be made in bad faith or for malicious reasons if multiple complaints are filed by an individual against a staff member or members over the same or similar issues or there is evidence of bad faith or the intent of the complaint is malicious for the purpose of harassment or for the purpose of harming the reputation of the staff member. In the event that a complaint is determined to be malicious or made in bad faith, the building principal, the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, or their designee(s) may, with the approval of the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee, deny the complaint without further investigation.
1310.2: Complaints: Instructional Materials
1310.2: Complaints: Instructional Materials holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:24The following procedures have been established to provide a system for receiving, considering and acting upon complaints regarding instructional materials used by the District. In carrying out these procedures in a professional and efficient manner, written records will be developed, maintained and documented at each level of the procedure.
In the interest of establishing communications with, and providing information for, the party who has a question or concern about materials utilized by the school(s), a complaint form must be obtained from, and returned to, the building where the material is being utilized.
Forms for requesting exclusion of a student from curriculum materials or courses or the exclusion of a given book, instructional unit/course or literary work from use in a building or within the District include:
- Form A-1: Parent/Guardian Request for Student Exclusion from a Given Book, Instructional Unit or Literary Work
- Form A-2: Parent/Guardian Request for Student Exclusion from a Course
- Form B-1: Citizen Request for Consideration of Print and Non-Print Materials
- Form B-2: Parent/Guardian Request for Reconsideration of a Current Course Offering
Upon request for a complaint form, the building principal shall immediately address the concerns and/or questions by scheduling an initial conference between the individual with the concern and the teacher utilizing the resource, thereby providing an opportunity for an explanation of how the material is being utilized in the program. If it is determined that the concerned party is seeking only his/her student’s exclusion from specific instructional materials and desires alternative resources (Form A-1), the student may be excused from using those items challenged, as provided in District Rule 6810.2 and shall be assigned to educational activities or resources which are as near as reasonably possible to the educational outcomes of the educational materials from which the student is excused.
If, following the initial conference, the concerned party so chooses to pursue the formal complaint procedure, Form B-1 shall be provided to the complainant. The questions on Form B-1 should be answered as completely as possible. It must be signed and the complaint must be identified in such a way that a proper reply will be possible. Form B-1 must then be returned to the principal from whom it was obtained.
Upon receipt of the completed complaint form, the principal will immediately schedule a formal teacher/principal/complainant conference at which the concerns and/or questions of the complainant will be addressed. Due to the importance of resolving the concern at the building level, this conference is essential. Failure of the complainant to participate in a formal conference will result in the discontinuance of the complaint procedure.
The building principal will notify the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services of any failure to resolve issues or concerns. The Associate Superintendent for Educational Services will determine whether the complaint should be considered a building or a District issue and whether a building or a District review committee should be activated to re-evaluate the materials. The use of challenged material by class, school, or District shall not be restricted until final disposition has been made by the appropriate review committee, but individuals may be excused from using challenged materials.
If deemed appropriate, a building review committee will be established within ten (10) school days of the notification of the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services of the failure to resolve the issue except in those instances where the complaint is received late in the school year and adequate time and staff are not available for conducting a thorough study. In those instances, the complainant will be notified and the complaint will receive immediate consideration dependent upon the availability of staff and data for committee deliberation.
If the issues or concerns are of District-wide significance, a District review committee will be established within ten (10) school days of the notification of the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services of the failure to resolve the issue except in those instances where the complaint is received late in the school year and adequate time and staff are not available for conducting a thorough study. In those instances, the complainant will be notified and the complaint will receive immediate consideration dependent upon the availability of staff and data for committee deliberation.
In the deliberations of the challenged materials, the review committee shall consider the educational philosophy of the District, the professional opinions of other teachers of the same subject and of other competent authorities, reviews of the materials by reputable bodies, the teacher’s own stated objectives in using the materials, and the objections of the complainant.
- The findings of the building review committee and/or the District review committee shall be a matter of written record and transmitted to the Superintendent and the Associate Superintendent for Educational Services who will determine how interested parties shall be notified. The decision, based on the findings, will be communicated to the complainant no later than thirty (30) school days from the initiation of the review committee procedure except in those instances where more extensive study is warranted.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-526
1315: Gifts to School Personnel
1315: Gifts to School Personnel holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:27School personnel shall not encourage students or parents to present them or other staff members with gifts and shallneither offer nor accept gifts or favors that will impair professional judgment.
Legal references: Title 92 Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 27
1315.1: Gifts to School Personnel
1315.1: Gifts to School Personnel holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:30When a student feels a spontaneous desire to present a gift to a staff member, the gift shall not be elaborate or unduly expensive and the staff member shall not call public attention to the gift, or in any way publicize such acts in front of other students or school personnel.
These provisions shall not be interpreted as intended to discourage acts of generosity in unusual situations.
1320: Public Performance by Students
1320: Public Performance by Students holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:33The District recognizes the value of students sharing their talents and skills with the community throughparticipation in public events when they constitute a learning experience and do not interfere with the schedulededucational programs.
It shall be the obligation of the community organization, or their rightful representative, to make arrangements through the building principal for a student or group of students whom the organization wishes to have appear on any program, or any other such public performance, as a representative of the school. Such participation shall be only in activities which will enrich or supplement the educational program, and which are minimal in loss of school time for the value received.
In determining such student participation, the building principal will give careful consideration to the extent of the students’ participation and type of performance in which they will appear before granting permission for absence from school.
1320.1: Public Performance by Students
1320.1: Public Performance by Students holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:35All requests for public performances will be made to and approved by the principal’s office prior to the performance.
The following regulations shall pertain:
I. In those cases requiring special input from a department head or coordinator, the principal may seek advice as to whether requests should be approved or rejected.
II. In those cases where the request comes directly to a department head or coordinator, such requests should be referred to the principal of the school.
III. No students shall be excused from classes except as part of a school organization or department which has permission to participate in a previously approved activity sponsored by non-school agencies.
IV. Students in elementary and middle schools shall not participate in any performances which require them to be away from home overnight.
1325: Contests for Students
1325: Contests for Students holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:37Community organizations sponsoring contests based on student participation must supply explanatory materials to the Superintendent or designee for consideration and approval. The District does not by this Policy create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable contest activities conducted within the District.
1325.1: Community Contests for Students
1325.1: Community Contests for Students holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:41I. To be approved by the Superintendent or designee, any contest activity must be:
Appropriate to the age group for which it is conducted;
Designed to stimulate original, individual or group work by the contestants;
Of a type which can be undertaken as a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, regular school work;
An enhancement to the objectives of the educational program.
II. The contest must not promote direct sales of commercial materials or services. It will be the responsibility of the building principal to see that announcements of contests are posted and information regarding contests is distributed to the appropriate teachers.
- Teachers may not require student participation, nor devote undue class time to promotion of any contest.
- Students should not use school time to work on contests, unless the activities involved can be related to the instructional program and have educational value.
- Students shall not be excluded from competition because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, marital status or disability, or required to pay an entry fee or purchase materials in order to participate.
III. Selection of contest winners is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization.
1335: Student Production of Materials and Provision of Services
1335: Student Production of Materials and Provision of Services holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:45Community organizations and Partners for Educationrequesting that students produce materials must supply explanatory materials to the Superintendent or designee for consideration and approval.The District does not by this Policy create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable community activities conducted within the District.
1335.1: Student Production of Materials and Provision of Services for Community Organizations and Partners for Education
1335.1: Student Production of Materials and Provision of Services for Community Organizations and Partners for Education holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:48I. To be approved by the Superintendent or designee, any request to produce materials for community organizations andPartners for Educationmust meet the following criteria:
A. The activity must be appropriate to the age group participating.
B. The activity must be designed to stimulate original, individual or group work by the participants.
C. The activity must be of a type that can be undertaken as a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, regular school work.
D. The activity must be an enhancement to the objectives of the educational program
II. It is the responsibility of the building principal to provide information to the appropriate teachers regarding requests for production of materials from community organizations andPartners for Education.
A. Teachers may not require student participation, nor devote undue class time to the production of materials.
B. Students should not use school time to work on production of materials, unless the activities involved can be related to the instructional program and have educational value.
C. Students shall not be excluded from participation because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, marital status or disability.
E. Students shall not be required to pay a fee or purchase materials in order to participate.
F. The community organizations andPartners for Educationrequesting such materials or services may be assessed a fee for costs incurred in production of materials.
1340: Use of School Facilities and Equipment
1340: Use of School Facilities and Equipment holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:56School facilities and equipment may be used by individuals and organizations (both non-profit and for-profit). Such uses shall be subject to the rules and regulations established under this policy.
1340.1: Use of School Facilities and Equipment
1340.1: Use of School Facilities and Equipment holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:59I.Categories for Facility Use
The following priorities are established for scheduling the use of district facilities and equipment:
A . Category 1 Uses: Building or district-wide school events, activities, and programs. No fees will be assessed. A charge may be assessed for a use which requires additional staff time.
B. Category 2 Uses: Events or activities that are designed to serve district students or are related to any function of the school and are planned and directed by school-affiliated non-profit groups and events or activities and programs which meet an action plan in the District’s strategic plan. No facility use fee will be assessed for those events or activities. A charge for custodian time will be assessed for weekend usage. An additional charge may be assessed for a use which requires additional staff time.
C.Category 3 Uses: Non-profit youth, civic, service, or other groups whose purpose is to promote the general welfare of the community. A reduced facility use fee will be assessed. A charge for custodian time will be assessed for weekend usage. An additional charge may be assessed for a use which requires additional staff time.
D.Category 4 Uses: Individuals or groups involved in activities not listed above will be assessed facility use fee. A charge for custodian time will be assessed for weekend usage. An additional charge may be assessed for a use which requires additional staff time.
Use of Facilities Rate Schedule shall be reviewed and revised as necessary and distributed by the District’s Activities Office. Such schedule shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, fees for facilities use, equipment use, and charges for staff time. Additional fees may be charged for excessive wear which require additional staff time.
II.Limitations on Use of School Facilities
In no event will the use of school facilities and equipment be permitted:
A. When the use would interfere with any class or District-related use;
B. When the use would interfere with events sponsored by the school, school groups, or the District;
C.When the use would involve any illegal activity;
D.When the organization or individual(s) involved have previously engaged in (or can reasonably be expected to engage in) any form of illegal discrimination or violence or when such organization or individual(s) advocate (or have a reputation for advocating) violence or rebellion against the United States, the State of Nebraska, or any political subdivision thereof;
E.When the use would be of a morally objectionable nature or would be contrary to any of the District’s policies or rules or would be contrary to the goals and/or objectives of the District’s educational programs;
F.When the use would result in the District’s facilities or equipment being damaged, altered, modified, or changed;
G.When the use would result in the District’s facilities being used to store the equipment of the user;
H.When, in the opinion of the administration, the use would present an unacceptable risk of damage or excessive wear and tear to the facilities or equipment;
I. When, in the opinion of the administration, the use would present a significant disruption to the effective administration of a building or district program.
District facilities will not be made available for private social functions, including but not limited to, wedding receptions; birthday, graduation, or swimming parties; or other such events. The Building Principal or designee may place further limitations on uses in their buildings. Such limitations may include, but shall not be limited to: excluding the use of indoor facilities for soccer and/or baseball practices; excluding the use of science laboratories, media centers, elementary classrooms, and/or administrative offices; and excluding the use of facilities if such would be reasonably necessary to ensure timely cleaning and maintenance. Such additional limitations by the Building Principal or designee shall be supported by a reasonable rationale, shall be consistently applied, and shall be reported to the office of the Executive Director of Activities, Athletics and External Engagement.
Building Principals or their designees may inspect and review any and all items brought into the building to ensure appropriate building safety and effective administration of the facilities. If, in the opinion of such Building Principal, any items would be unsafe, inappropriate, or undesirable in the building, he/she may prohibit such item from entering the building or require its removal from the building. In the event the Building Principal’s directive is not complied with expeditiously, approval for the use of the facility shall be withdrawn immediately by the Principal or designee.
III.Applications for Use of School Facilities
The administration shall develop an Application for Use of School Facilities form to assist with the administration of this Rule. Such form shall be completed by all non-school or District organizations requesting the use of school facilities or equipment. The Application shall require that all applicants:
A.Agree to comply with all district policies, rules, and regulations that govern use of facilities;
B.Agree to be responsible for any damages incurred to facilities, grounds, or equipment during the period of such use;
C.Agree to have the Executive Director of Activities, Athletics and External Engagement as the final determiner as to whether repair or replacement is the appropriate remedy for any damages.
D.Agree to be wholly responsible for the supervision and control of all persons and activities during such use;
E.Agree to protect, indemnify, and hold the district harmless for any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, judgments, or causes of action arising out of, or in any way related to, such use and further that, if requested, the applicant will provide, prior to the planned use of a facility, a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amount of at least one-million dollars, naming the District as an additional insured.
District employees wishing to use a district facility for other than their assigned contractual duties must submit a completed Application for Use of School Facilities and shall be subject to the same rules (including fees and charges) as non-employees.
IV.Cancellation of Approved Applications
A previously approved facility use may be canceled for one or more of the following reasons:
A. Failure of the Applicant to pay applicable fees or charges for this use or any prior use;
B.Failure to reimburse the District for damages incurred during any prior use;
C.Evidence satisfactory to the District that Applicant's use of the facility would violate a District policy, rule, or regulation or would be illegal;
D.Any violation of the terms and conditions of the Application;
E.Any change in the school activities that presents a conflict with the use; or
F.Any snow or ice accumulation that would require additional removal costs for the District;
G.Any other event or circumstance which, in the opinion of the administration, necessitates cancellation of the use.
In the event a previously approved facility use is cancelled, the District shall not be responsible for any damages incurred by the Applicant as a result of such.
An Applicant may, without penalty, cancel a previously approved facility use by giving notice of such to the District at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled use. If notice is given within 48 hours but prior to the use, the facility use fee may not be refunded.
V.Equipment Requirements
Approval for the use of a facility shall not include the use of school equipment unless specifically requested and approved on the Application form.
VI.Special Staff Requirements
District staff must be present when certain school facilities are used. These facilities shall include, without limitation, kitchen facilities, swimming pools (where a life guard must be assigned), auditoriums (where stage and lighting technicians may be needed), and other such areas as may be determined by the administration. When such additional staff are required to be present, the using organization will be charged for district expenses associated with such additional staff.
Arrangements for any additional staff (except kitchen staff) shall be made by the building administrator or his/her designee. Arrangements for kitchen staff shall be made by the District’s Director of Food Service or his/her designee.
If the approved use involves employees other than those specifically required by the District, the user may contract directly with the employee.
VII.Religious Organizations
Religious organizations may make application to use an district facility for a period of one year. An extension may be granted if satisfactory evidence exists that the organization is in the process of acquiring or securing the use of other non-district facilities for its use.
VIII.Use of Outdoor Spaces
A.Fees apply for the use of Lyle Buell Stadium or the Millard South Track Facility. A three hour minimum usage is required. A charge may be assessed for the use which requires additional staff time.
B.Fees apply for the use of all turf fields, baseball competition fields and softball competition fields. An additional charge may be assessed for the use which requires additional staff time.
C.Non-turf practice fields, tracks and other sports spaces are available for reserved usage. The only organizations that may submit an application to reserve the use of such areas shall be non-profit organizations serving Millard youth.
D.School playgrounds, and other open areas which are not being used for school activities shall be available to the general public on a first-come, first-served basis from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset each day. Thereafter, such areas shall be closed to public use. These spaces can not be reserved.
E.Any groups using such facilities shall be responsible for any damage occurring as a result of such use and shall be responsible for clearing the grounds of litter after such use.
IX.Snow and Ice Removal
In the event of significant snowfall (or accumulation of ice) prior to a use of district facilities, the District’s operations and maintenance supervisors shall make a determination as to whether or not snow or ice removal is required. If such is required and if snow or ice removal is not necessary for other school-related activities, the scheduled use shall be canceled or, if mutually agreed to by the District and the user, the snow or ice will be removed by district personnel or contractors and an additional charge for such will be assessed to the user.
All snow and ice removal on district property must be made by district personnel or by properly insured independent contractors approved by and working for the District. Users will not be permitted to engage in snow or ice removal activities nor will they be permitted to hold activities on school property without proper snow or ice removal.
X.Vehicle Parking
Vehicles may properly park in district parking areas when attending school activities, when conducting school related business, or when in attendance at any approved use of school facilities. The District’s grounds may not be used for any other parking of private vehicles. Any vehicles which are not permitted by this Rule to be parked on District property shall be subject to towing at the owner's expense. Similarly, vehicles that are improperly parked shall also be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Improper parking shall include, but not be limited to, parking in driveways or throughways, parking over painted stall lines, and parking on grassed areas.
XI.For the purposes of this Rule, the term “school-affiliated non-profit groups” shall be narrowly construed so as to only include groups which satisfy the Internal Revenue Service requirements for a non-profit organization and whose sole and direct mission and purpose are to support a district school or district schools.
1345: Dissemination of School Procedures and Materials
1345: Dissemination of School Procedures and Materials holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:05Forms and publications developed in or for the District may be made available to outside organizations. Fees may be charged for such materials, including materials copyrighted by the District.
1345.1: Dissemination of School Procedures and Materials
1345.1: Dissemination of School Procedures and Materials holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:16Authorization for distribution of District materials to outside organizations shall be obtained from the building principal, or when appropriate, from the Superintendent or designee.
No outside organization shall be granted exclusive access to or control over the materials made available.
1347: Smoking and Use of Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products
1347: Smoking and Use of Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:18No tobacco products or e-cigarette type products may be used by community members and visitors in facilities or on grounds owned, leased or operated by the .
1347.1: Using Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products
1347.1: Using Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:22Appropriate signs will be placed at the entrances of all buildings, athletic facilities, and spectator areas advising all persons who enter of the District policy prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products and e-cigarette type products on District property.
Anyone who is observed smoking or using tobacco products or e-cigarette type products in violation of District policies shall be asked to refrain from such activity. If the individual fails to comply with the request the violation may be referred to the principal or District supervisory personnel responsible for the area or the program. The supervisor shall make a decision on further action, which may include a directive to leave school property. Repeated violations may result in a recommendation to the Superintendent to prohibit the individual from entering District property for a specified period of time. If deemed necessary by school administration, the local law enforcement agency may be called upon to assist with enforcement of this policy.
1415: Cooperation between Schools and Welfare Agencies
1415: Cooperation between Schools and Welfare Agencies holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:24Students in apparent need of welfare may be referred to the proper community agency.
1415.1: Cooperation Between Schools and Welfare Agencies
1415.1: Cooperation Between Schools and Welfare Agencies holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:27Staff members who observe District students or families in apparent need of welfare assistance should notify the school principal or designee. Written parental consent must be obtained for referral of a District student or family to the proper welfare agency.
1420: Cooperation and Participation with Other Educational Organizations
1420: Cooperation and Participation with Other Educational Organizations holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:29Cooperative relationships shall be maintained with other educational organizations when it can be determined that such relationships will serve the District’s mission and strategic plan and/or when mandated by law.
1420.1: Cooperation and Participation with Other Educational Organizations
1420.1: Cooperation and Participation with Other Educational Organizations holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:31Staff members who receive requests from other educational organizations to cooperate in educational projects shall first obtain permission to participate from the Superintendent or designee.
1425: Cooperation with Non-Profit Agencies
1425: Cooperation with Non-Profit Agencies holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:35Individual schools may choose to participate in fundraising activities to benefit non-profit organizations, provided that such cooperation does not restrict or impair the educational program and is consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of district rules 1115.1(I), 1340.1(II), 3150.1, 6700.1(II)(A)(5)(a)-(i), and 7305.1(III-IV), which are incorporated herein. Permission to conduct such an activity must be obtained from the school principal, except for any activity that is associated with, connected to, or requires a “special project” as that term is defined in District Rule 3614.1 must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or designee.
The District does not by this policy create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable non-profit activities conducted district-wide. The only authorized district-wide campaigns for solicitation of funds from employees and students of the District will be the United Way campaign and the Foundation campaign.
1425.1: Cooperation with Non-Profit Agencies
1425.1: Cooperation with Non-Profit Agencies holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:38Non-Profit community agencies wishing to use school facilities for fundraising activities and/or after-school meetings must obtain permission from the Superintendent or designee in compliance with Policy 1340 Use of School Facilities.
The District may distribute flyers and other promotional materials for recognized non-profit community agencies in the Activities Express newspaper, if such assistance is determined by the Superintendent or designee to be consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Rules 1115.1(I), 1340.1(II), 3150.1, 6700.1(II)(A)(5)(a)-(i), and 7305.1 (III), (IV) which are incorporated herein. The District does not distribute free products to students and staff, except if such assistance is determined by the Superintendent or designee to be in the best interest of students and staff.
Schools may designate a table for literature from non-profit organizations for information that is specific to the individual school. Such information may include recruitment notices and meeting and event schedules. School staff members may announce the opportunity for students to pick up literature of interest and take it home. Schools also may designate bulletin boards for posting of meeting notices of non-profit organizations which are specific to the individual school. All such literature and postings shall be consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Rules 1115.1 (I), 1340.1 (II), 3150.1, 6700.1 (II) (A) (5) (a) – (i), and 7305.1 (III) and (IV).
Individual schools may choose to participate in fundraising activities to benefit non-profit organizations, provided that such cooperation does not restrict or impair the educational program and is consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Rules 1115.1(I), 1340.1(II), 3150.1, 6700.1(II)(A)(5)(a)-(i), and 7305.1 (III), (IV) which are incorporated herein. Permission to conduct such an activity must be obtained from the school principal, except for any activity that is associated with, connected to, or requires a “special project” as that term is defined in District Rule 3614.1 must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or designee. Promotional materials for fundraising activities taking place in individual schools may be distributed to students by school staff members only.
Students’ participation in activities sponsored by non-profit community agencies must be voluntary. Students may not use school time to participate in activities sponsored by non-profit community agencies, unless the activity is within the context of the educational program.
1430: Cooperation with Commercial Agencies
1430: Cooperation with Commercial Agencies holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:41Approved commercial agencies may conduct profit-making activities in individual schools, provided that the educational program is not impaired, the activity provides a financial benefit to the school, and is consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Policies, Rules, and Procedures.
The District does not by this policy create or establish an open or public forum and reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the acceptable profit-making activities conducted within the District.
Legal Reference: § 79-8,100
1430.1: Cooperation with Commercial Agencies
1430.1: Cooperation with Commercial Agencies holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 15:43Individual schools may choose to use commercial agencies to participate in profit-making activities to benefit the school, provided that the educational program is not impaired, the activity provides a financial benefit to the school, and is consistent with the standards, criteria, and limitations of District Policies, Rules, and Procedures. Permission to conduct such an activity must be obtained from the school principal, except for any activity that is associated with, connected to, or requires a “special project” as that term is defined in District Policy and Rule must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or designee.
Commercial agencies wishing to use school facilities to conduct profit-making activities must obtain approval from the Superintendent or designee in compliance with District Policy, Rule, and Procedures.
The profit-making activities shall not interfere with nor disrupt the operation of the schools or the educational process. Student participation cannot be required nor classroom time devoted to promotion of profit-making activities. Promotional material for profit-making activities taking place in individual schools may be distributed to students by approved school staff members only.
The District may distribute flyers and other promotional materials for commercial agencies in publications such as the Activities Express newspaper or the Millard Momentum newspaper, if such assistance is determined by the Superintendent or designee to be in the best interest of students and the District. The District does not distribute free products to students and staff, except if such assistance is determined by the Superintendent or designee to be in the best interest of students and staff. Any agent or representative of a commercial enterprise, including theatrical productions or plays is strictly prohibited from calling upon, securing contracts or soliciting orders or business from classroom teachers between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on all days in which school is in session.
Legal Reference: § 79-8,100