6750: Student Fees

6750: Student Fees holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:51

The District may require and collect fees or other funds from or on behalf of students or require students to furnish or provide materials, supplies, equipment, or attire consistent with the Public Elementary and Secondary Student Fee Authorization Act.

The Superintendent (or designee) shall promulgate the rules and/or procedures necessary for implementation of this policy. For purposes of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-2,133 and § 79-2,134, such rules and/or procedures, when adopted or approved, shall be incorporated in their entirety into this policy by this reference.

Annually, the school board shall hold a public hearing at a regular or special meeting of the Board on a proposed student fee policy, following a review of the amount of money collected from students pursuant to, and the use of waivers provided in, the student fee policy for the prior school year. The student fee policy shall be adopted by a majority vote of the school board and shall be published in the student handbook. The Board shall provide a copy of the student handbook to every student at no cost to the student.

Date of Adoption
July 15, 2002
Date of Revision
April 23, 2007
May 17, 2004
June 6, 2005
April 17, 2006
April 21, 2008
April 13, 2009
February 15, 2010
May 1, 2017
May 4, 2020
May 3, 2021
May 2, 2022
May 1, 2023
May 6, 2024

6750.1: Student Fees

6750.1: Student Fees holly Fri, 07/19/2019 - 13:53

Pursuant to Policy 6750 and Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-2,135 et seq., the District may, and hereby does, require and collect fees or other funds from or on behalf of District students or require District students to furnish or provide, supplies, equipment, or attire as provided for herein below.

I. Elementary School Fees:

A. Extracurricular Activities*

1. All Clubs: Students pay a fee of up to $30 (but not to exceed actual cost of conducting the club activities) for membership and activities in each club.

2. All Clubs: Students pay a fee of up to $15 (but not to exceed actual cost) for screen-printed club t-shirt.

3. School will not fund competition beyond the state level.

4. Choir: Students pay a fee of up to $15 (but not to exceed actual cost) for screen-printed choir t-shirt.

B. Special Transportation

1. §79-241 (option enrollment students): n/a

2. §79-605 (tuition students): n/a

3. §79-611 (students within 4 miles and open enrollment students): n/a

C. Copies of Files/Records

1. Students pay 10 cents per page.

D. Lost/Damaged Property

1. Students pay for repair or replacement cost of property.

E. Before/After School

1. Mini-Classes: Students pay up to $60 per class, including materials (6-8 sessions, but not to exceed actual cost).

F. Summer/Night School*

1. District Summer School: Students pay up to $155 (for no more than up to 3 instructional hours per day for 12 days in June).

2. Building Level Summer School: Students pay up to $4 per hour, including materials.

G. Breakfast/Lunch Programs*

1. Students pay for breakfast (i.e., current cost of breakfast $1.60).

2. Students pay for lunch (i.e., current cost of lunch $3.15).

3. Students pay for dinner (i.e., current cost of dinner $3.35)

H. Non-Specialized Attire

1. PE: Students provide tennis shoes.

2. Art: Students provide a paint shirt.

I. Musical Instruments (Optional Courses, Non-Extracurricular) *

1. Band & Strings: Students provide their own instruments.

*The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches.

II. Middle School Fees:

A. Extracurricular Activities*

1. Montessori Immersion Experiences: Students pay up to a total of $600 (but not to exceed actual cost) for up to four trips.

2. School will not fund competition beyond the state level.

3. Outdoor Education: Students pay up to $50.

4. All Clubs: Students pay $0 to $140 (not to exceed the cost of conducting club activities) for membership and activities in each club. Show Choir Students pay $0 to $250 (not to exceed the cost of conducting club activities).

5. Athletics: Students pay a $50 participation fee for each interscholastic sport.

6. Students pay a $25 participation fee for each intramural sport.

7. All Sports: Students provide elastic waist shorts, t-shirt, socks, shoes and cold weather attire as needed.

8. Basketball: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for indoors only.

9. Cross Country: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

10. Football: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

11. Track: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

12. Volleyball: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only.

13. Wrestling: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only.

14. Other Requirements: Students who participate in interscholastic athletics and/or the Cross Country Club are required to have a sports physical (except for intramurals) and must be covered by health insurance. Health insurance is available through private carriers, or, for those who qualify, the State of Nebraska.

B. Spectator Admission/Transportation

1. Students pay an admission fee to activities, not to exceed $10 per person per event. The site administrator shall determine the admission charges to each “home” middle school event.

C. Special Transportation

1. §79-241 (option enrollment students): n/a

2. §79-605 (tuition students): n/a

3. §79-611 (students within 4 miles and open enrollment students): Transportation for students whose residences are two miles or more from school is provided through Student Transportation of America for $450 for an AM and PM roundtrip per year or $250 for an AM or PM one way trip per year (with the balance of the cost paid by the District).

D. Copies of Files/Records

1. Students pay 10 cents per page.

E. Before/After School

1. Mini-Classes: Students pay up to $40 per class, including materials (6-8 sessions, but not to exceed actual cost).

F. Lost/Damaged Property

1. Students pay for repair or replacement of property.

G. Summer/Night School*

1. District Summer School: Students pay up to $175 (for no more than 3 instructional hours per day for 20 days – one course); $400 (for no more than 6 instructional hours per day for 12 days – one course); $134 for mini-courses (no more than 3 instructional hours per day for 4 days for each mini-course.)

2. Middle School After-School Program: Students pay up to $30 (for up to one hour per day for one week); up to $60 (for 2 to 3 hours per day for one week).

3. Summer Opportunities instruction for students – no more than $150 (per opportunity per student).

4. Transition Programs: $10.

H. Breakfast/Lunch Programs*

1. Students pay for breakfast (i.e., current cost of breakfast $1.80).

2. Students pay for lunch (i.e., current cost of lunch $3.35). A la carte selections vary in price.

3. Students pay for dinner (i.e., current cost of dinner $3.35).

I. Non-Specialized Attire

1. PE: Students provide athletic shoes, elastic waist shorts, t-shirt, and cold weather attire as needed.

J. Musical Instruments (Optional, Non-Extracurricular) *

1. Band & Strings: Students provide their own instruments.

K. Music Items (Extracurricular)*

1. Chamber Orchestra, & Jazz Band: Students provide their own instruments and attire. Required performance attire will not exceed a cost of $40.

L. Skilled and Technical Sciences course (Elective) *

1. Grade 6: Students choose 6 modules to complete the course. Students pay for select modules that require specialized materials not to exceed $5.00 each. Free modules are available.

2. Grades 7 and 8: Students choose 3 modules to complete the course. Students pay for select modules that require specialized materials not to exceed $12.00 each. Free modules are available.

* The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches.

III. High School Fees

A. Extracurricular Activities*

1. All Clubs: Students pay up to $800 (not to exceed the cost of conducting club activities) for membership and activities in each club.

2. All Activities: Students pay a $70 fee for participation in athletics and activities governed by the Nebraska School Activities Association (fee includes an Athletic Admission Ticket for “home” school events). (Journalism, Concert Choir, and Orchestra are excluded.)

3. Curriculum Related Activities (i.e., Marching Band, DECA, SkillsUSA, HOSA, FCCLA, Debate, Forensics, and FCS): The District does not fund competitive activities for students beyond the state level. After approval from principal or designee, fundraising and/or donations must cover the cost of competition beyond the state level.

4. Graduation Materials: Students purchase selected cap and gown.

5. Athletics, Cheerleading and Dance: Students are required to have a physical and must be covered by health insurance to participate. Health insurance is available through private carriers, or, for those who qualify, the State of Nebraska.

6. All Athletics: Students provide elastic waist shorts, t-shirt, socks, shoes, towels, and cold weather attire as needed.

7. Baseball: Students provide baseball glove, bat, appropriate athletic shoes, colored socks, and pay indoor facilities fees up to $30 per season.

8. Basketball: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only and practice jersey.

9. Bowling: Students will provide a bowling ball, bowling shoes, and pay for bowling alley fees up to $30 per season.

10. Cross Country: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

11. Dance Team/Cheerleading: Students purchase selected uniforms.

12. Football: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes and practice jersey.

13. Golf: Students provide golf clubs, golf bag, golf balls, and appropriate athletic shoes and pay range or green fees up to $30 per season.

14. Soccer: Students provide shin guards, appropriate athletic shoes, colored socks, and pay indoor facilities fees up to $30 per season.

15. Softball: Students provide softball glove, bat, appropriate athletic shoes, and colored socks.

16. Swimming: Students provide swimsuits, towels, goggles and fins.

17. Tennis: Students provide tennis racquet, appropriate athletic shoes, and pay indoor court fees up to $30 per season.

18. Track: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

19. Unified Sports: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

20. Volleyball: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes and knee pads for use indoors only.

21. Wrestling: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes for use indoors only.

22. Unified Sports: Students provide appropriate athletic shoes.

23. Bowling: Students will provide a bowling ball, bowling shoes, and pay for bowling alley fees up to $30 per season.

B. Spectator Admission/Transportation

1. Students pay admission fees, not to exceed $30 (per event, per person), to school activities. The site administrator shall determine the admission charges to each “home” high school event.

2. Athletic Admission Ticket: Students pay $40 for admission to all “home” high school athletic events (non-tournament competitions).

C. Post-Secondary Education

1. Post-Secondary Education costs: Students pay the cost of tuition and other fees only associated with obtaining credits from a post-secondary educational institution if the student chooses to apply for post-secondary education credit, i.e., $38 per credit for courses that require a Metropolitan Community college (MCC) instructor, $50 per Early College course through MCC, $250 per course at University of Nebraska–Omaha (UNO). University of Nebraska High School $200 per five credit course and $50 administrative fee per course (online classes).

2. Advanced Placement Exams Fees: Students may pay the cost of each exam (i.e., currently $98per exam) pending other available resources. AP Seminar and AP Research are $146 per exam.

3. International Baccalaureate Exams Fees: Students may pay for the cost of exams (i.e., currently approximately $850 for two years of testing). Students pay IB Registration Fees (currently $160) pending other available resources.

4. Health Science Academy: Students provide specialized attire as required for Certified Nursing Assistant.

D. Special Transportation

1. §79-241 (option enrollment students): n/a

2. §79-605 (tuition students): n/a

3. §79-611 (students within 4 miles and open enrollment students): n/a

E. Copies of Files/Records

1. Transcript fee: Students pay $5.

2. Other Requests: Students pay 10 cents per page.

F. Lost/Damaged Property
1. Students pay for cost of repair or replacement of property.

G. Before/After School
1. Mini-Classes: Students pay up to $40 per class, including materials (6-8 sessions, but not to exceed actual cost).

H. Summer/Night School*

1. District Summer School: Students pay up to $175 (for 3 instructional hours per day for 24 days, 1 one-semester course); $350 (for 6 instructional hours per day for 24 days, 2 one-semester courses); $140 (for up to 3 instructional hours per day for 14 days, noncredit or special program course); $155 (for up to 3 instructional hours per day for 15 days, noncredit step-up to high school course).

2. Summer Opportunities instruction for students - no more than $40 (per opportunity per student).

3. Night School: Students may pay up to $170 for 5 credit semester offering for credit recovery courses only.

I. Breakfast/Lunch Programs*

1. Students pay for breakfast (i.e., current cost of breakfast $2.05).

2. Students pay for lunch (i.e., current cost of lunch $3.85). A la carte selections vary in price.

3. Students pay for dinner (i.e., current cost of dinner $3.35).

J. Parking Permit

1. Students wishing to park in school lots during the school day must obtain a parking permit for $40.

2. Students who accrue parking lot violations during the school day may be charged up to $10 per violation.

K. Non-Specialized Attire

1. PE: Students provide athletic shoes, socks, swimsuit, towel, elastic-waist shorts, t-shirt, and cold weather attire as needed.

2. Lifeguarding: Students provide a CPR mouth guard.

L. Musical Instruments (Optional, Non-Extracurricular) *

1. Band and Strings: Students provide their own instruments including drum sticks and mallets for percussion.

M. Music Items (Extracurricular)*

1. Pep Band: Students provide a colored polo shirt (general description by band instructor).

2. Band: Students may provide black or white leather shoes as generally described by band instructor.

N. Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training

1. Students will purchase additions to their uniform (cords, ribbon holder, ribbons) not to exceed $40.00 per year.

2. Students will pay a uniform cleaning fee not to exceed $160 a year.

O. Skilled and Technical Sciences course (Elective)

1. There is no charge for participation and construction of student projects. A project fee is required if students choose to take their projects home. Because purchases all materials, all projects belong to until a project fee has been received. The project fee will vary due to the size, complexity, and materials used to build the project.

* The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches.

IV. Student Fee Fund:

A. The District shall establish a Student Fee Fund, which shall be a separate fund not funded by tax revenue.

B. All money collected from students pursuant to §79-2,127(1) (related to extracurricular activities), §79-2,127(3) (related to post-secondary education costs), and §79-2,127(8) (related to summer school and night school) shall be deposited into the Student Fee Fund. Money expended from such fund shall be for the purposes for which it was collected from students.

* The requirements marked with an asterisk (*) may be waived for students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches.

V. Waiver of Fees and/or Requirements:

A. Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches under the USDA child nutrition programs may have fees and requirements waived for the following:

1. §79-2,133 Related to participation in extracurricular activities.

2. §79-2,131 Related to optional music courses and extracurricular music activities.

B. Participating in a free or reduced-price lunch program shall not be required for students to qualify for a waiver of fees and/or requirements.

C. Any qualified student desiring a waiver of fees and/or requirements shall complete and submit a Request for Waiver of Fees and/or Requirements form to the building principal (or his/her designee). Once the Request is processed, the principal (or his/her designee) shall inform the student as to whether the Request was approved or denied.

Date of Adoption
July 15, 2002
Date of Revision
April 21, 2003
July 21, 2003
May 17, 2004
June 6, 2005
April 17, 2006
April 23, 2007
April 21, 2008
April 13, 2009
November 2, 2009
February 15, 2010
April 5, 2010
September 7, 2010
March 21, 2011
July 11, 2011
May 7, 2012
May 20, 2013
July 1, 2013
May 5, 2014
May 4, 2015
May 2, 2016
May 1, 2017
May 7, 2018
May 6, 2019
May 4, 2020
May 3, 2021
May 2, 2022
May 1, 2023
May 6, 2024