5300: Student Conduct

5300: Student Conduct holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:48

Students in the DistrictÌýare expected to act in such a manner that their behavior reflects favorably on the individual student and on the school, showsÌýconsideration for staff and fellow students, and createsÌýa safe, orderly, and harmonious school atmosphere conducive to learning. Students shall exhibit honesty, morality, courtesy, obedience to law, respect for the national flag and the Constitutions of the United States and Nebraska, respect for parents and home, the dignity and necessity of honest labor, and other attributes which promote and develop an upright and desirable citizen.

Students are expected to adhere to appropriate standards of conduct while at school, at all school activities, and at school sanctioned events.ÌýAppropriate standards of conduct include students’ demeanor,Ìýlanguage, dress, manners, and actions toward others.

To accomplish this, all students must recognize their individual responsibilities and obligations and conduct themselves in accordance with the District’s Standards forÌýStudent Conduct.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
May 21, 2001
February 2, 2009
December 5, 2016
January 9, 2023

5300.1: Bus Conduct

5300.1: Bus Conduct holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:52

I. Bus Discipline.ÌýProcedures for handling discipline on school buses or on other District-provided transportation, and any other related disciplinary matters or problems, shall be subject to and processed in accordance with the District’s Standards for Student Conduct and other appropriate school rules.Ìý

II. Regular Bus Routes.ÌýAll discipline problems are to be reported to the principal of the student involved. No student is to be excluded from the bus or other District- provided vehicle during its use.Ìý

III. Field Trips.ÌýThe teacher is in charge of discipline on field trips. If the driver has a discipline problem, then the driver should contact the teacher and the teacher will handle the discipline problem.

Date of Adoption
August 6, 1979
Date of Revision
May 21, 2001
December 5, 2016
February 2, 2009
January 9, 2023

5300.2: Conduct at School

5300.2: Conduct at School holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:54

I. Responsibility for Actions. Individual students shall be responsible for their actions, and to this end the District shall promote student conduct which respects the self-worth of students, staff members, and the community.Ìý

II. Student Conduct. Students shall be expected to:Ìý

ÌýÌý ÌýA. Know and follow the District’s rules and regulations;Ìý

ÌýÌý ÌýB. Show respect to other persons and property;Ìý

ÌýÌý ÌýC. Respect other persons’ points of view;Ìý

ÌýÌý ÌýD. Care for and conserve all school property and supplies.Ìý

III. District Property. Students and their parents shall be responsible for all damage caused to District property, equipment and supplies, which includes books and supplies of all kinds, equipment, buildings, and grounds.Ìý

IV. Non-Compliance. Failure by a student to comply with the District regulations will result in enforcement of school discipline procedures and may include a parent conference.Ìý

Date of Adoption
October 1, 1979
Date of Revision
May 21, 2001
December 5, 2016
February 2, 2009
January 9, 2023

5300.3: Bullying

5300.3: Bullying holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:57

I. Bullying Prohibited.ÌýBullying disrupts a school’s ability to educate students, threatens public safety by creating an atmosphere in which such behavior can escalate into violence, and is prohibited by 5400.6(II) (J) of the District’s Standards for Student Conduct.

II. Bullying Prevention and Education.ÌýIn addition to prohibiting bullying in the District’s Standards for Student Conduct, the District will adopt an age appropriate developmentally based bullying prevention and education program, which includes in its scope the legal, social, health, and discipline consequences of bullying and provides information and techniques for the resistance and reporting of bullying. The program shall be for all students in all grades of the schools operated and served by the District from the early childhood level through grade twelve (12).

III. Bullying Defined.ÌýBullying means any ongoing intentionally hostile or offensive verbal, written, graphic, demonstrative, electronic, or physical act used by a student or student(s) against another student or student(s) that has the purpose of exerting domination over another student through the act of intimidating, frightening, oppressing, retaliating, or adversely controlling the student, and that is disruptive of the educational process or any ongoing pattern of physical, verbal, written, graphic, demonstrative or electronic abuse, on District property, in a vehicle owned, leased, or contracted by a school being used for a school purpose by a school employee or his or her designee, or at a school-sponsored activity or athletic event, or any other place where the governing law permits the District to discipline students for prohibited conduct. This may include, but is not limited to, verbal, graphic, written or electronic activities such as name-calling, taunting, blackmailing, inciting to fight, terrorizing, threatening, or physical or demonstrative activities such as poking, blocking or impeding, following, hair pulling, mock hitting motions, intentionally bumping, tripping, and damaging clothing.Ìý

IV. Annual Review.ÌýThe District’s administration shall review this Rule annually in conjunction with the annual review of District Rule 5400.6.

Date of Adoption
February 2, 2009
Date of Revision
June 1, 2015
March 15, 2021
December 5, 2016
May 21, 2018
March 2, 2020
January 9, 2023

5300.4: Dating Violence

5300.4: Dating Violence holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 11:05

I. Dating Violence Prohibited.ÌýThe District provides physically safe and emotionally secure environments for all students. Positive behaviors are encouraged in the educational program and are required of all students. Inappropriate behaviors, including but not limited to, dating violence, will not be tolerated and must be avoided by all students.Ìý

II. Dating Violence Training. Strategies and practices will be implemented to reinforce positive behaviors and to discourage and protect others from inappropriate behaviors. Dating violence training, as defined by Neb. Rev. Stat.79-2,141(4,) shall be provided to staff deemed appropriate by the administration. Training shall include, but not be limited to, basic awareness of dating violence, warning signs of dating violence, and the District's dating violence policy.Ìý

III. Dating Violence Information.ÌýThe District shall inform the students' parents or legal guardians of the District's dating violence policy on an annual basis via the Student Handbook. If requested, the District shall also provide the parents or legal guardians a copy of the District's dating violence policy and other relevant information.Ìý

IV. DefinitionsÌý

A. Dating Violence shall mean a pattern of behavior where one person uses threats of, or actually uses, physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse, to control his or her dating partner.Ìý

B. Dating Partner shall mean any person, regardless of gender, involved in an intimate relationship with another person primarily characterized by the expectation of affectionate involvement whether casual, serious, or long term.Ìý

Date of Adoption
May 17, 2010
Date of Revision
December 5, 2016
March 2, 2020
January 9, 2023