3215: Tuition Fees

3215: Tuition Fees holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:36

Students from other districts attending shall be subject to tuition when permitted by law and as established by the Board of Education.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
January 21, 2019
August 16, 2010

3215.1: Students - Tuition

3215.1: Students - Tuition holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:37

Any student who does not qualify for free tuition shall be charged tuition in an amount equal to the “Annual Cost Per Pupil ADM” contained in the most recent Annual Financial Report filed with the Nebraska Department of Education. One-half of such tuition shall be paid to the District before such student is admitted to classes each semester.

Date of Adoption
April 7, 1975
Date of Revision
April 4, 2011
January 21, 2019