2400: Organization and Administration

2400: Organization and Administration holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 13:48

The Board will determine the policies to guide the administration of all activities of the District. ÌýThe policies will be developed with the assistance of the Superintendent and other staff.

The Superintendent is responsible to the Board for the administration of the schools under applicable laws and policies of the District. ÌýIf a situation demanding a decision is not covered by an existing policy or rule, the Superintendent or designated representative is empowered to make the decision deemed best, later reporting to the Board.

Each employee and studentÌýis responsible for following approved policies and rules.

The Superintendent is responsible for establishing clear lines of authority and responsibility and open lines of communication, both vertically and horizontally. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to create and maintain councils, cabinets, and committees necessary to implement the management team concept and to provide for the effective, efficient administration of the District.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
January 19, 1998
December 6, 2004
December 2, 2019
January 21, 2013

2400.1: Organization and Administration

2400.1: Organization and Administration holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 13:51


The DistrictÌýis administered in accordance with a staff organizational plan that is developed by the Superintendent and approved by the Board. ÌýThe superintendent is responsible to the Board for the effective administration of the District.

In the organization and administration of the schools, the Superintendent shall balance responsibility with commensurate authority subject to the reserve and legal powers of the Board. ÌýThis means that a member of the staff, when assigned a responsibility or a position, shall be given the authority to make the decisions necessary to perform the tasks.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
January 19, 1998
December 6, 2004
December 2, 2019
January 21, 2013

2400.2: Line of Responsibility- School Board and Superintendent

2400.2: Line of Responsibility- School Board and Superintendent holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 13:55


The Board shall determine and set the policies of the DistrictÌýwithin the framework of state statutes and law. ÌýThe Board will approve and adopt the policies of the District.

The Board shall transact official business with professional staff members and other DistrictÌýemployees only through the Superintendent.

The Superintendent is charged with executing the policies of the District. ÌýThrough the Superintendent, all employees and students of the District are expected to adhere to Board policies and rules.

In cases where emergency action must be taken within the school system which is not covered by District policies, the Superintendent is authorized to act, but such decisions are subject to review by the Board at its next regular meeting. The Superintendent is to inform the Board promptly of such action and of the need for any policy changes.

The Superintendent is responsible for long-term planning necessary to guide the Board in policy development.

The Superintendent is to establish and maintain an orderly plan for preserving and making accessible the policies and rules adopted by the Board. ÌýAccessibility is to extend to all employees of the District, members of the Board, and residents of the school District.

The chief objective of the Superintendent is the development and promotion of the educational program of the District consistent with state statutes and District policies.

The Superintendent has sole responsibility for operational matters, personnel, curriculum and instruction and business functions, subject to the approval of the Board. ÌýThis includes the selection and assignment of school employees, the management of the school plant and equipment, and the administration and supervision of the educational program and the public relations program.

The Superintendent is to prepare and submit annually for Board approval a budget of anticipated income and expenditures and shall be responsible, with Board authorization, for the expenditure of and proper accounting for all funds in accordance with the budget.

The Superintendent (or designated representative) is to attend all meetings of the Board except at times when consideration may be given to the Superintendent’s appointment and salary.


Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
January 19, 1998
December 6, 2004
December 2, 2019
January 21, 2013

2400.3: Line and Staff Relationships

2400.3: Line and Staff Relationships holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:00


I. Relationship with the Principal

Classroom teachers are under the direct supervision of the building principal. Work assignments, schedules and courses of study are channeled through the principal to teachers. ÌýAll requests for assistance, materials, or information will be directed to the principal.

Teachers may expect the principal to guide and assist them in their work with studentsÌýand to share in their disciplinary problems. ÌýEither may seek the advice and counsel of other supervisors in the solution of specific problems or for interpretation of policy.

II. Relationship with Directors, Coordinators, Consultants, and Department Heads

The role of directors, coordinators, consultants, and department heads requires that they be supportive to teachers and that they assist them in their teaching. ÌýTeachers may expect the supervisor to help them improve instructional techniques and methods, to keep them advised as to better utilization of instructional material, and to provide the assistance necessary to improve instructional services for students.

III. Relationship with the Superintendent

Teachers may confer with the Superintendent on problems related to their affiliation with the school system. ÌýSuch problems as assignments, teaching loads, salary, continuing contract, certification, or general working conditions should be discussed with the administrator most immediately in charge of the area and then with the Superintendent.

IV. Relationship with Other School Employees

Requests for other than routine aid from custodians, maintenance workers, clerical personnel and others should be made through the principal. ÌýAny problems between classroom teachers and other DistrictÌýemployees should be referred to the principal.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
January 19, 1998
December 6, 2004
January 21, 2013
December 2, 2019

2400.4: Administrators Leaving the Building

2400.4: Administrators Leaving the Building holly Mon, 07/01/2019 - 14:03


When it is necessary for an administrator to be away from the District, he or she shall notify his or her supervisor.

Date of Adoption
February 4, 1974
Date of Revision
August 4, 1997
December 6, 2004
January 21, 2013
December 2, 2019