1320: Public Performance by Students

1320: Public Performance by Students holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:33

The District recognizes the value of students sharing their talents and skills with the community through participation in public events when they constitute a learning experience and do not interfere with the scheduled educational programs.

It shall be the obligation of the community organization, or their rightful representative, to make arrangements through the building principal for a student or group of students whom the organization wishes to have appear on any program, or any other such public performance, as a representative of the school. Such participation shall be only in activities which will enrich or supplement the educational program, and which are minimal in loss of school time for the value received.

In determining such student participation, the building principal will give careful consideration to the extent of the students’ participation and type of performance in which they will appear before granting permission for absence from school.

Date of Adoption
February 17, 1975
Date of Revision
November 18, 2002
December 3, 2012
June 1, 2020

1320.1: Public Performance by Students

1320.1: Public Performance by Students holly Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:35

All requests for public performances will be made to and approved by the principal’s office prior to the performance.

The following regulations shall pertain:

I. In those cases requiring special input from a department head or coordinator, the principal may seek advice as to whether requests should be approved or rejected.

II. In those cases where the request comes directly to a department head or coordinator, such requests should be referred to the principal of the school.

III. No students shall be excused from classes except as part of a school organization or department which has permission to participate in a previously approved activity sponsored by non-school agencies.

IV. Students in elementary and middle schools shall not participate in any performances which require them to be away from home overnight.

Date of Adoption
February 17, 1975
Date of Revision
November 18, 2002
December 3, 2012
June 1, 2020