10000: Site-Based Planning and Management

10000: Site-Based Planning and Management unanimous Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:35

10000: Shared Decision Making

10000: Shared Decision Making unanimous Tue, 07/30/2019 - 17:11

The Board supports the philosophy of shared decision-making as called for in the District Strategic Plan. Shared decision-making shall support increased student achievement and improvement in the education process. The philosophy of shared decision-making shall be evident in the District through the opportunity for personnel, parents, community members, and students when appropriate, to collaborate in the design and implementation of (1) mission statements, (2) objectives, (3) strategies and action plans, (4) evaluation methods, (5) responses to results of evaluation, and (6) reporting activities.Ìý

While fully supporting these collaborative efforts, the Board recognizes its ultimate authority and responsibility for decisions which impact the direction of education in the District.Ìý

This policy and related rule will be reviewed by the Board of Education every other year.

Date of Adoption
December 7, 1992
Date of Revision
January 13, 1997
March 6, 2006
August 19, 2013
Date of Last Review
August 17, 2009
August 15, 2011
July 6, 2015
May 15, 2017
May 20, 2019
June 7, 2021
April 17, 2023

10000.1: Site-Based Planning and Shared Decision Making

10000.1: Site-Based Planning and Shared Decision Making holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 15:05


The Board of Education recognizes that strategic planning, site-based planning, and school improvement decision-making provide the opportunity for school personnel, parents, community members, and students to collaborate in the development of short and long-range planning. This involvement will promote increased school achievement and improve the educational process.Ìý

I. Shared Decision-Making

The District uses a blend of centralized and decentralized decision making. ÌýThe following chart illustrates decisions that are made at the District and building levels and are provided as examples only. ÌýAll decisions must be consistent with District policies and regulations, collective bargaining agreements, and state and federal mandates and laws. Ìý

Educational Services



  • Oversee compliance of NDE Rule 10
  • Provide comparable curriculum resources, instructional resources and assessment resources (6010)

  • Develop and maintain the written curriculum using Academic Skills & Applications and College & Career Readiness Skills (6110.1) & Performances (6110), through curriculum phases (6120, 6610)

  • Develop curriculum frameworks and course guides (6130)

  • Ensure principals monitor curriculum and evaluate staff (6201)

  • Identify appropriate field trips and approve those paid with District funds (6262)

  • Develop and support the instructional program (6220), the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), SPED Procedures (6635), EL, Summer School (6655), Night School, Homebound (6670), Programs of Choice (10,001), Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Federal Programs, Early Childhood Programs, Alternative Education Programs, and High Ability Learner Programs

  • Establish accountabilities for guidance in relation to curriculum issues

  • Develop guidelines for controversial issues (6240)

  • Provide guidelines and professional learning on copyright procedures (6265)

  • Implement textbook loan program (6295)

  • Identify graduation requirements (6320)

  • Develop grading guidelines (6330) and District report cards

  • Identify, implement, and monitor professional learning related to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and special education (6400)

  • Identify and apply for appropriate grants to support District programs and initiatives

  • Encourage staff to participate in development of written curriculum and assessment

  • Monitor taught curriculum according to written curriculum (6201)

  • Monitor lesson plans (6203)

  • Administer instructional program and support programs (6220), including building schedules, grouping practices, and class size within District parameters (4005.1 & 6225), identify and recommend materials that supplement, not supplant, the District written curriculum

  • Develop and monitor homework and make up homework guidelines (6230 & 6235)

  • Implement and monitor guidelines for controversial issues (6240)

  • Approve curriculum-related field trips (6262)

  • Enforce and monitor copyright procedures (6265)

  • Monitor student production of services and materials (6270)

  • Develop and implement classroom assessments (6300)

  • Identify awards, recognition programs and graduation exercises (6320), credit for transfer students, and grade level placement

  • Implement grading procedures (6330), including communicating student progress to parents (6340)

  • Develop a culture of continuous learning related to curriculum, instruction, formative and summative assessment, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), and special education

  • Oversee building student organizations

  • Develop and lead building level professional development





  • Establish centralized registration procedures to include resident status, program placement, transfer, and withdrawal (5100/5110/5120)

  • Establish policies for District safety and security (5900)

  • Establish policies for and supervise student record keeping (5720)

  • Establish policies forÌýstudent attendance (5200)

  • Establish policies for student conduct (5300, 5400)

  • Develop procedures forÌýschool counseling and social work related response services (6628)

  • Establish policy for child abuse and neglect reporting (5620)

  • Establish student health service procedures (6615)

  • Finalize student enrollment, transfer, and withdrawal to include grade level placement and credit transfer

  • Maintain student records and accountability to include attendance, behavior, health, and social emotional issues

  • Implement safety procedures, drills, and building security procedures to include bullying awareness and prevention

  • Promote Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for positive student behavior and accountability

  • Enforce student code of conduct and maintain accurate student discipline records

  • Implement school counseling curriculum and response services

  • Facilitate student health care deliveryÌýin partnershipÌýwith school health staff.

  • Facilitate student referrals to community agencies





  • Direct staffing allocation procedures

  • Implement building assignments and transfers

  • Direct advertising/recruiting/selecting/hiring

  • Direct the development of job descriptions

  • Ensure the use of the performance appraisal process

  • Direct employee discipline practices

  • Monitor policies for safety and security

  • Direct employee services, including compensation, benefits, and paid leave

  • Direct administrative hiring procedures

  • Conduct collective bargaining with all employee unions/associations

  • Develop employee work calendars

  • Schedule and administer District-wide contracted transportation services

  • Direct intra-school staff assignments and transfers

  • Conduct interviews/make hiring recommendations

  • Conduct performance appraisal

  • Develop staffing recommendations to human resources staff

  • Communicate employee work calendars

  • Schedule and administer building transportation services

  • Address student behavior related to both building and District - wide transportation





  • Research, write, administer, and conduct the financial accounting and reporting related to District-level (or multi-building level) grants

  • Conduct collective bargaining with all employee unions/associations

  • Provide custodial, maintenance, and grounds services to all facilities in the District

  • Conduct all construction and renovation projects in the District

  • Provide food service programs throughout the District

  • Provide intra-District mail delivery services

  • Provide District-wide large volume printing services

  • Provide all budgeting, accounting, and finance services (including payroll) related to all funds except the building activity fund

  • Research, write, administer, and conduct the financial accounting and reporting related to building-level grants (subject to District approval related to accounting and reporting)

  • Communicate needs and deficiencies for custodial, maintenance, and grounds to the appropriate supervisor

  • Recommend building renovation projects (subject to review, approval, and supervision by the District)

  • Schedule serving times for breakfast and lunch programs

  • Supervise the distribution of mail within the building

  • Provide any copiers desired by the buildings in excess of what is supplied by the District and provide all personnel for copying conducted in the buildings

  • Manage all aspects of the building’s activity fund (subject to the District’s procedures), manage the building’s general fund line items, and participate in the District’s budgeting process






  • Develop and implement the District strategic plan and support buildings with facilitation of site planning

  • Develop the academic calendar including school hours and parent/teacher conferences (6020, 6020.1)

  • Approve school and community use of school facilities and conduct the related accounting

  • Develop and implement policies, procedures and rules

  • Develop yearly and long-range budgets

  • Determine emergency closing procedures (6020.2)

  • Provide and direct system-wide planning for curriculum instruction, assessment, and professional learning (6005)

  • Identify, implement, and monitor DistrictÌýprofessional learningÌýinitiatives (4300.2)

  • Develop and implement new teacher induction plan (4105, 4105.1, 4105.2)

  • Direct certificated staff & administrator evaluation (4160)

  • Develop and revise Indicators of Effective Teaching in Millard Instructional Model (6200, 6200.1)

  • Direct new administrator and admin inter induction

  • Organize and implement District leadership programs

  • Direct state accreditation process

  • Plans and designs communication strategies to inform the public about district promotion, specific problems or situations


  • Develop and implement the school site plan and facilitate the School Improvement Team

  • Develop the school activities calendar including parent/teacher conference schedules

  • Schedule activity and community use of school facilities

  • Develop and implement school procedures and rules

  • Develop the school schedule

  • Allocate the building discretionary budget

  • Ensure staff engagementÌýin District professional learning initiatives and facilitate building level professional development (4300.2)

  • Evaluate teachers according to the Indicators of Effective Teaching in Millard Instructional Model (6200, 6200.1)

  • Support new teacher induction (4105), identify and recommend mentors and induction coaches,Ìýmatch peer coaches, and communicate expectations

  • Conduct performance appraisal

  • Support new administrator and admin intern induction

  • Support District leadership programs

  • Implement state accreditation recommendations/requirements

  • Supports District communication and directs building communication strategies to inform the public about district and building promotion, specific problems or situations





  • Provide network operations (7000)

  • Provide email (7000)

  • Establish hardware and software standards

  • Establish Technology inventory controls & Check-
    in/Check-out processes

  • Provide helpdesk & desktop support

  • Facilitate technology donations approval

  • Establish web page guidelines (7305)

  • Develop technology hardware standards

  • Provide contentÌýfiltering (7310)

  • Implement Cyber Security Protection Measures

  • Evaluate curriculum software (7000)

  • Establish policies and rules for social media use by district staff (7305.1)

  • Support school libraries (6625)


  • Provide for integrating technology into instruction
  • Maintain building web pages
  • Supervise building social media accounts.
  • Budget for optional technology hardware purchases with approvalÌý
  • Budget for optional curriculum software with approval
  • Supervise staff and student use of technology
  • Supervise building technology inventories using theÌýDistrict’s inventory control processes.
  • Supervise school libraries
  • Purchase library materials to maintain compliance
    with NDE Rule 10



  • ÌýDevelop and implement a comprehensive District student assessment system (6300)
  • Oversee assessment of student achievement
  • Review and approves Research Requests from internal and external stakeholders (6900.1)
  • Develop District Assessment Procedures (6301)
  • Oversee District student information system
  • Develop and oversee District student information
    data reports in District systems.
  • Develop and implement a system for engagement
    surveys for staff, students and parents.
  • ÌýOversee assessment schedules, retakes, security and remediation
  • Implement the District assessment program (6301)
  • Maintain accurate student information in District
    student information system and monitor staff use
  • Utilize student information from reports to guide decision making and carry out tasks.
  • Disseminate and utilize the student, staff and parent feedback from the District engagement surveys.


II.ÌýÌýÌý ÌýDistrict Strategic Planning Team

The Superintendent or designee will appoint a team consisting of administrators, teachers, Board members, parents, students, and community members to serve as the District strategic planning team. Every 5 years the District strategic planning teamÌýwill meet to rewrite the plan to address critical issues.ÌýThe Superintendent is charged withÌýdetermining the implementation schedule of the action plans for the 5 year Strategic Plan.

II. ÌýÌý ÌýSite-Based Planning Team

Each school in the District shall have a site-based planning team that meets to write or update the school site plan. ÌýÌýThe team will be responsible for long-range site planning including the development of the school mission and strategies. ÌýThe team will also approve action plans and make a recommendation for implementation of action plans. Each principal’s supervisor will assist the principal and team in the development of the site plan, the implementation of strategies, the collection and analysis of data to evaluate action plans, the relationship of the site plan to the District’s plan, and compliance with District policies. ÌýThe team will also meet as needed to comply with the school accreditation process. ÌýThe team will follow the District guidelines and established process for site planning and include administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and/or community members. ÌýHigh schools and middle schools may choose to involve students. ÌýStaff members on the team are volunteers and will serve at will. ÌýThe site-based planning team will be approved by the Superintendent or designee. Ìý

IV. ÌýÌý ÌýSchool Improvement Team (SIT)

Each school in the District shall have a School Improvement Team that meets a minimum of four times each school year. ÌýÌýThe SIT will monitor progress on the school site plan and make recommendations on pertinent issues including, but not limited to, calendar, schedules, budget, programming changes, and some staffing decisions. ÌýIt may be necessary for ad hoc teams to form and meet to develop programs or further develop action plans for implementation. The ad hoc team will then report to the SIT for consideration. ÌýThe SIT will also meet as needed to review data analysis and comply with the school accreditation process. ÌýThe SIT will include administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and/or community members. ÌýHigh schools and middle schools may choose to involve students. ÌýEach SIT will develop a process to ensure genuine participation and develop the rules for determining who will serve on these teams including the term of service. ÌýMeetings will be open to all. ÌýAgendas, attendees and minutes of the meetings will be communicated and made available. ÌýStaff members on the team are volunteers and will serve at will. ÌýÌýCopies of the SIT meeting minutes will be shared with supervisors. ÌýÌý

V. ÌýÌý ÌýDecision Making Process

Different styles of leadership and decision making will be employed when facilitating Strategic Planning Teams, Site-Based Planning Teams and School Improvement Teams.

During Strategic Planning and Site-Based Planning, teams will seek consensus in an affirming environment marked by mutual support and respect. ÌýConsensus exists when participants whose support is needed to implement a decision, agree with the decision and express a commitment to support its implementation. ÌýIf consensus cannot be achieved on a specific issue the administrator may make the necessary interim decisions as they continue to work for consensus. Ìý

During School Improvement Team meetings, the principal will seek input from the School Improvement Team by employing a variety of leadership styles including consultative and collaborative (consensus building).

VI. ÌýÌý ÌýAppeals

In the event the SIT is unable to function effectively the principal (or any three team members) shall report the situation to the building supervisor. ÌýThe building supervisor will attempt to resolve the situation. ÌýIn the event the situation is not resolved it shall be presented to the Superintendent or designee for a final decision.

Date of Adoption
December 7, 1992
Date of Revision
January 3, 1994
December 19, 1994
January 13, 1997
August 3, 1998
August 23, 1999
June 19, 2000
February 2006
March 6, 2006
July 9, 2007
June 2, 2008
August 17, 2009
August 2, 2010
August 15, 2011
August 19, 2013
July 6, 2015
May 15, 2017
May 20, 2019
June 7, 2021
April 17, 2023

10001: Programs of Choice

10001: Programs of Choice holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 15:11

The District supports the philosophy of parental choice as originally called for in the District Strategic Plan. A program of choice addresses a specific educational need that does not jeopardize current programs for the majority of students. No new program will be added unless it meets a clearly demonstrated, mission-related need; it survives a cost-benefit analysis; its impact on other programs/courses/services is addressed; adequate staffing, staff development, funding and facilities are provided; and it contains an evaluation procedure. Nothing will take precedence over the pre-kindergarten through 12th grade education program.

The philosophy of programs of choice development shall be evident in the Millard School District through the opportunity of personnel, parents, community members, and students when appropriate, to collaborate in the design and implementation of (1) philosophy statement, (2) program goals, (3) yearly developed activities, (4) curriculum selection, (5) instructional methods, (6) staff selection, and (7) evaluation methods through the site planning and School Improvement Team process. Programs of choice will abide within the District policy and guidelines, district strategic plan, district and state standards and indicators and assessments, and function within the budget constraints given.

While fully supporting these collaborative efforts, the Board recognizes its ultimate authority and responsibility for decisions, which impact the direction of education in the Millard Schools.

Date of Adoption
February 16, 1998
Date of Revision
May 19, 2008
March 21, 2011
May 6, 2019

10001.1: Programs of Choice Development Process

10001.1: Programs of Choice Development Process holly Mon, 07/22/2019 - 15:13


The District supports the philosophy of programs of choice as reflected in this rule.Ìý

The District believes that programs of choice development can be achieved through the process of shared decision-making. The process provides that certain decisions can be made at the program level, through the stakeholders most directly involved with the program, and within the context of the District’s policies and plans. The Board of Education recognizes that shared decision-making provides the opportunity for staff, parents, community members, and students, to collaborate in the District’s Strategic Plan and promote increased student enrollment and achievement through alternative educational processes. Proposals for programs of choice may be the result of community interest, a building site plan, District strategic plan, and/or District initiation.

While fully supporting these collaborative efforts, the Board recognizes its ultimate authority and responsibility for decisions that impact the direction of education in the ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø. In the case of low enrollment, the Superintendent shall inform low enrollment buildings of the opportunity for building site teams to plan for their future with this rule to guide their planning. In the event that low enrollment buildings do not generate a plan for their future, the Superintendent may direct the development of a plan for the future of low enrollment buildings in accordance with this rule. If necessary, the Superintendent may replace and reassign the current principal and staff, and assemble a building team to implement the District-generated plan. The authority and responsibilities delegated to the Development Task Force shall be in accordance with district policies and shall be subject to the authority and responsibility of the Board of Education, the Superintendent and the administrator of the mini-magnet or district unit or division that the task force represents.Ìý


Program of Choice is the broad term used to identify a district-sponsored program that utilizes a specific curriculum, classroom management and structure, and instructional practices that are significantly different from the regular Pre K-12 Education Program, yet still embraces the District standards, indicators, and assessments while attracting students from across the District and open to students from outside the District. Examples of such programs of choice include, but are not limited to, Core Knowledge Academy, Montessori, and International Baccalaureate (Primary Years Program, Middle Years Program, and Diploma Program) programs.Ìý

In addition, programs of choice may be designed to attract enrollment through the use of a district-funded and district-directed program with a specific, specialized concentration encompassing K-5, 6-8 and/or 9-12 in all areas and which is intended to attract interested students. Such programs may include, but are not limited to: math/science and engineering, computer science and technology, visual, performing and communication arts, international studies and world language, and year-round school.

Program of Choice Concept, Proposal, and Development CommitteeÌýis made up of parents, community members, interested building staff, students when appropriate, and a designee of the Superintendent who share a common vision and desire to promote a specific program for District adoption and advancement. The committee must include a building and district administrator and will be made up of 10-12 people. Representatives other than district employees will be non-paid volunteers. This Committee is responsible for completing the initial concept, proposal and development plan as defined in Phase I of this Rule, This committee understands that the proposed program has not been approved and no commitment has been made to approve the concept.

Parameters for Committee Meetings:

• All meetings will be facilitated by a building or district administrator.Ìý

• All meetings will be scheduled by the administrator of record for that program.

• No meeting will be conducted without a quorum of six members.

• A consensus decision-making process will be used.

• This will conclude prior to program implementation.

Program of Choice Leadership SupportÌýwill be provided by the District. The Superintendent, human resources division, and the principal of the designated facility will identify the level of need for leadership support, the qualifications of the staff person, and his/her job description. The leadership support staff person will be brought into the planning process during Phase 2: Planning for Start-up.

Program of Choice Parent Education GroupÌýmay meet up to four times each year as needed. The purpose of the parent group will be to provide parents of children in the program an opportunity to learn more about the program, to ask questions about the program to program staff, and to raise funds to support specific program needs. There may be parent officers if desired by the parents. Any activities or fundraising by the parent group cannot conflict with the building PTO/PTA or Booster Club of which they are members. Fundraising will be by parents only, no children will be asked to participate.

Consensus MethodÌýwill be used by the Program of Choice Concept, Proposal, and Development Committee in an affirming environment marked by mutual support and respect. Consensus exists when participants whose support is needed to implement a decision, agree with the decision and express a commitment to support it.

The process is based on trust and a belief in the strength of shared responsibility in decision-making. Participants must be well informed and communicate effectively in order to make good decisions. Therefore, school decision makers will use processes that include provisions for informed dialogue, decision, action and evaluation. Participants in the process must engage in continuous communications with their constituents so that decisions will reflect agreement within the mini-magnet community. Successful processes will allow for communications among constituents so that decisions will reflect agreement within the mini-magnet community, not just within a particular committee. Successful implementation shall also require regular oral and written communication among individuals, district administration, and the school board.

If consensus cannot be achieved the administrator for that program may make the necessary interim decisions as they continue to work for consensus. In the event the committee is unable to function effectively, the administrator, or three (3) task force members shall report the same to the District Superintendent together with a detailed report of the issues and parts of disagreement where upon the District Superintendent or his/her designee shall meet with the committee to resolve the issues. If the issues cannot be resolved, the dispute shall be submitted to the Board of Education through the Superintendent for resolution of the issue or issues.

Development Phases:

Phase 1: Identification of a Program of Choice Concept and Initial Program Proposal

Concept Proposal

The following information must be submitted to the Superintendent no later than August 31 (Yr.1) to be reviewed and presented to Executive Cabinet for consideration by September 15 (Yr.1).

I. Abstract

II. Impetus for Concept Proposal (community based, building site plan, District, etc.)

III. Need, Scope, Purpose

IV. Program Description and Philosophy

Ìý ÌýÌýA. Instructional philosophy

Ìý ÌýÌýB. Grade levels

Ìý Ìý C. Calendar

Ìý Ìý D. Specific licensure or training requirements for program or staff

V. Program Goals

Ìý Ìý A. Identify how the program is consistent with the District strategic plan.

Ìý Ìý B. Identify how the goals or methods of the program are different from those in existing programs.

Ìý Ìý C. Identify the needs that this program will meet that are not addressed in the District program.

Ìý Ìý D. State why the program will not jeopardize the majority of the students or district programs.

VI. Target Student PopulationÌý

Ìý Ìý Ìý May identify the interest of potential students through parent surveys.

VII. List of Parents Committed to Enrolling Their Child(ren) in the Program (if applicable)

Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýSecure signatures of program identification group if parent/community initiated.

VIII. Program Start-Up Costs and Yearly Re-occurring Costs

Ìý Ìý A. Staff needed and certification required

Ìý Ìý B. Training costs

Ìý Ìý C. Curriculum materials

Ìý Ìý D. Equipment needs

Ìý Ìý E. Supplies

Ìý Ìý F. Facility modifications

Ìý Ìý G. Other program needs

IX. Facility Needs for the Program

X. Publicity Plan

XI. Parent Involvement Expectations

A. Volunteer hours, PTO/Booster Club, Fundraising, Homework

XII. Collaboration with Other District Programs

The Superintendent and Executive Cabinet will apply the following criteria to the program of choice concept and render a decision to move to Phase 2 by September 30 (Yr.1):

I. The proposed concept meets the definition of a program of choice

II. A philosophic predisposition exists in the community and is affirmed by the Board of Education that values the concept of parent choice in education.

III. The proposed program of choice is consistent with the philosophy of the District and the legal requirements placed upon the District.Ìý

IV. The proposed program of choice does not duplicate existing goals or methods already in place in the District and addresses specific educational needs. These needs are well defined and capable of being assessed.

V. The proposed program of choice does not stimulate a major political or values backlash such that the functioning of the District for the majority of students would be jeopardized.

VI. The proposed program of choice meets District Strategic Planning parameters that include:

No new program will be added unless it meets a clearly demonstrated, mission-related need; it survives a cost-benefit analysis; its impact on other programs/courses/services is addressed; adequate staffing, staff development, funding and facilities are provided; and it contains an evaluation procedure. Nothing will take precedence over the pre-kindergarten through 12th grade education program.

VII. The program of choice concept has the potential to increase enrollment in the District and at a specific building as demonstrated by an analysis of community interest and enrollment trends in similar programs.

Preliminary Proposal

If the concept is accepted and allowed to move ahead, the Program of Choice Concept, Proposal, and Development Committee will develop and submit the Preliminary Proposal by December 1 (Yr.1). The Superintendent will inform the Board of Education about the concept. Movement from Concept Development to Preliminary Proposal Development does not constitute program approval nor a commitment to implement the mini-magnet concept.

Preliminary Proposal Development Committee will submit a report by December 1 (Yr. 1) with the following information:

I. Refine the need, scope, purpose and description of the program based upon additional research and in response to the Superintendent and Cabinet’s feedback.Ìý

II. Program Description and Philosophy

(expanded and refined from Concept Proposal

Ìý Ìý A. Specific licensure or training requirements for program staff

Ìý Ìý B. Grade levels

Ìý Ìý C. Calendar

Ìý Ìý D. Instructional philosophy

III. Program Goals

(expanded and refined fromConcept Proposal)

Ìý Ìý A. Identify how the program is consistent with the District strategic plan.

Ìý Ìý B. Identify how the goals or methods of the program are different from those in existing programs.

Ìý Ìý C. Identify the specific educational needs that this program will addressÌý

Ìý Ìý D. State why the program will not jeopardize the majority of the students or district programs.Ìý

IV. Objectives and Action Steps

V. Curriculum and Instructional Program

Ìý Ìý A. Curriculum alignment to District Standards & Indicators

Ìý Ìý B. Curriculum materials

Ìý Ìý C. Support Programs

VI. Detailed Proposed Budget

Identify the costs needed to start up the program and yearly reoccurring costs. Complete a cost-benefit analysis of the program.

VII. Detailed Facility Needs

Identify the facility and classroom space needs for the program. Project over a three- to five-year program.

VIII. Student Assessments (beyond district and state assessments)

IX. Support Services Needs

X. Communication Plan

Identify a plan for how the program will be publicized.

XI. Parent Involvement Plan

Ìý Ìý A. Develop a list of parents who are committed to enrolling their child in the program through the use of district-wide student/parent interest surveys.

Ìý Ìý B. Identify expectations of how parents will be involved in the program on an ongoing basis (volunteer hours, parent booster club, etc.).

XII. Program Evaluation Plan

A. Identify how the program will work in collaboration with other programs sharing the same facility (participation on joint building implementation team, joint PTO, etc.).

B. Submit preliminary proposal to Associate Superintendent of Educational Services for presentation to Cabinet by December 1 (Yr. 1).

The Superintendent and Executive Cabinet will review the preliminary proposal based on the following feasibility indicators and render a decision by December 15 (Yr1):

I. Sufficient qualified staff exist or can be acquired to implement the program as it is intended (administrative, teaching, aide, support).

II. Sufficient money exists to secure qualified staff and materials to implement the program as it is intended without undo pressure on the regular program.

III. Sufficient space requirements are available to assure that a safe and healthy learning environment without undo disruption to other regular programs.

IV. The overall expenditures of resources (money, staff and space) are comparable to expenditures for regular programs. (Additional start-up costs may be required in the initial phases of implementation.)

V. The proposed mini-magnet does not place unwarranted or unwanted stress on the neighborhood concept of education.

If the preliminary proposal is accepted by Executive Cabinet, it will be submitted to the Millard Board of Education for approval at February Board of Education meeting (Yr. 1). If approved by the Board of Education, a program administrator will be assigned by the Superintendent along with any other parameters deemed appropriate. The Superintendent, human resources division, and the principal of the designated facility will identify the level of need for leadership support, the qualifications of the staff person, and their job description. The leadership support designee will be brought into the planning process sometime during Phase 2 - Planning for Start-Up.

Phase2: Planning for Start-up

The Program of Choice Concept, Proposal, and Development Committee will be notified by February 1 (Yr. 1) to begin Phase 3 and must have the following components set forth below developed and presented to Executive Cabinet by December 1 (Yr. 2). This date is critical for budget development, communication with interested staff, parents, and students, enrollment considerations under within District transfers and open/option enrollment, and ordering and organizing for fall implementation. The final months of January to May (Yr. 2) will be utilized for final planning and organization, ordering materials, hiring staff, communicating with parents and district staff, and registering students.

I. The current Development Committee may be expanded if. The job of this committee will be completed prior to program implementation; therefore, the committee will be dissolved prior to program implementation.

II. An external facilitator will be assigned by the Superintendent to work with the committee to identify the mission, objectives for the program, and action steps for the objectives.

III. The committee will meet on a regular basis (weekly, monthly) to develop:

Ìý Ìý A. The curriculum and instructional program,Ìý

Ìý Ìý B. A proposed budget,Ìý

Ìý Ìý C. Identify facility needs,Ìý

Ìý Ìý D. Student assessment program,Ìý

Ìý Ìý E. Program evaluation,Ìý

Ìý Ìý F. Technology plan,Ìý

Ìý Ìý G. Support services plan,

Ìý Ìý H. Implementation timeline

Ìý Ìý I. Grant development/submissionÌý ÌýÌý

Ìý Ìý J. Facility needs

Ìý Ìý K. Purchase/obtain materials & equipment

Ìý Ìý L. Interview/select staff

Ìý Ìý M. Training/staff developmentÌý ÌýÌý

Ìý Ìý N. Curriculum alignment

Ìý Ìý O. Support programs

Ìý Ìý P. Instructional minutes

Ìý Ìý Q. Calendar, school schedule

Ìý Ìý R. Student registration/enrollment

Ìý Ìý S. Student activities/organizations

Ìý Ìý T. Representation of Parents on Site Planning Team

Ìý Ìý U. Communication

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý1. Teachers, parents, community, district at-large

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý2. PTO/Booster Clubs

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý3. Parent Education Group

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý4. Parent involvement plan

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý5. Newsletter

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý6. Web page

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý7. Program descriptionÌý

Ìý ÌýÌýÌýÌý Ìý8. and other program components.

IV. The administrator on the development task force will submit required reports as needed for District budget planning process, facility location, obtaining materials, identification of staff, training of staff, publicize program, registration of students, and other start-up needs of the program.

V. A budget for curriculum development, staff training and other initial start-up costs will be implemented.

VI. A budget for classroom set-ups and other needs will be expended in the summer prior to fall implementation.

VII. An enrollment process will be created and in place by February 1 (Yr.2) to facilitate enrollment into the mini-magnet program or school. Enrollment procedures will follow these priorities:

Ìý Ìý A. currently enrolled students and/or siblings of currently enrolled students, if applicable,

Ìý Ìý B. within-district transfer students,

Ìý Ìý C. open or option enrollment students,Ìý

Ìý Ìý D. lottery/randomization will be utilized at any of the steps when necessary

VIII. An evaluation process to include evidence and criteria for making judgments about the program will be set up with assistance from the Department of Assessment, Research and Evaluation for the first five years of the program. Possible questions might include:

Ìý Ìý A. What levels are the students achieving in district outcomes?

Ìý Ìý B. To what extent does the school implement its program?

Ìý Ìý C. What is the breadth and depth of curriculum?

Ìý Ìý D. What instructional practices are used?Ìý

Ìý Ìý E. What is the per-student cost for the program?

Ìý Ìý F. What role does support services play in the program?

Ìý Ìý G. What are the demographics of the program?

Ìý Ìý H. What are the opinions/attitudes of parents, teachers, administrators, and students toward the program?

Ìý Ìý I. Has the enrollment of the school increased and/or is the mini-magnet enrollment sufficient to sustain the program?

Phase 3: Year One of Operation

I. It will be the responsibility of the assigned administrator to continue to refine program needs and work to complete the mission and goals of the program. The leadership support person will be assigned specific tasks by the administrator of the building and will be accountable to that person.

II. Communication between teachers, parents, community, and the District at-large is conducted.

III. The building administrator will be responsible to see that a proportional representation of both programs is part of the building planning and implementation teams.

IV. The building administrator will be responsible for providing conditions for a combined PTO of all program groups. Programs sponsored by PTO will support building projects that include the needs of both.

V. The building administrator will be responsible for organizing a parent education group for the mini-magnet program to assist parents with learning about the program, communicating with others about the program, to raise funds to support the program, to publish a program newsletter, etc. The Parent Education Group shall meet periodically.

VI. Curriculum development and staff training will continue as needed and be the responsibility of the administrator in the building.

VII. The program will be monitored yearly through district assessments, program assessments, and an evaluation plan.

Phase 4: Five-Year Program Evaluation

A five-year evaluation will be completed by the Department of Assessment, Research and Evaluation at the end of the fifth year of program operation. If the program has met program mission and goals, a cost-benefit analysis, and student achievement levels within the range of the District, the program will be considered viable and continue. If the program has not satisfactorily met the above indicators, the Superintendent and Board of Education will have the option to continue the program with additional criteria or move to dissolve the program.


The following district parameters for the operation of mini-magnets must be met.

I. District student outcomes will be met.

II. District-level assessments will be utilized.

III. Class size will be comparable to other district programs.

IV. Financial support will be comparable to the support for other district programs.

V. Any Millard student may register for the program, unless specific requirements are identified.

VI. Staff evaluation shall be conducted using the District model.

VII. Program evaluation will be on a regular and ongoing basis.

VIII. A Parent Education Group will be organized for purposes of parent communication.

IX. Transportation shall be provided by parents/guardians.


Responsibilities Chart


Phase I (Year 1)Ìý

Ìý Ìý • September 15- Submit Concept Proposal to Superintendent

Ìý Ìý • September 30- Notified of decision

Ìý Ìý • December 1- Submit Preliminary Proposal, if concept approved

Ìý Ìý • December 15- Notified of Decision

Ìý Ìý • February Board of Education Meeting- Submitted for approval

Phase II (Year 2)

Ìý Ìý • December 1- Submit Implementation Plan to SuperintendentÌý

Date of Adoption
February 16, 1998
Date of Revision
May 19, 2008
March 21, 2011
May 6, 2019